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SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Budget Proposal For Pratt Bequest

Budget Proposal For Pratt Bequest

The Special Advisory Committee of the Center for Advanced Studies has approved the following budget for the Pratt funds of the four departments in Arts and Sciences. The four departments designated in the Will were Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics; and the funds could be used in three categories displayed in the budget, scholarships for outstanding students, supplementation of faculty salaries, and equipment. The annual disbursement of the estate is 2 million dollars to be divided equally between Arts and Sciences and Medicine.

Biology  Chemistry  Mathematics  Physics 
Student Supports: Grad. & Undergrad.  100,000  121,500  184,976  107,500 
Faculty Salary Supplement  -0-  16,000  69,802  65,100 
Equipment  100,000  40,000  22,922  194,000 
TOTAL  $200,000  $177,500  $277,700  $366,600 
TOTAL AMOUNT  $1,021,800 

APPROVED: Paul R. Gross Director, Center for Advanced Studies
APPROVED: Robert M. O'Neil President