Tseh So, a small house ruin, Chaco canyon, New Mexico : (preliminary report) |
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Compiled by Donald D. Brand
This is a combined working and general bibliography pertaining
to various phases of research in the Chaco Canyon area. Stress has
been placed on archaeologic items, but geologic, geographic, biologic,
and historical works have been included. All original published accounts
of archaeologic work in the Chaco Canyon have been listed, as
well as many secondary and popular accounts. No attempt has been
made toward completeness in the popular articles. Neither has any
attempt been made toward a compilation of the literature pertaining
to Navajo ethnography in the Chaco area. Every item listed below
has been carefully examined by the compiler, with the exceptions noted.
Items of greater importance are starred.
Albright, G.: "Official Explorations for Pacific Railroads," pp. 102-118,
Univ. of California Publications in History, Vol. 11, Berkeley, 1921.
Alexander, H. G., and Reiter, P.: "Report on the Excavation of Jemez
Cave, New Mexico," Bulletin 278, Monograph Series, Vol. 1, No. 3,
Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque, 1935.
Amsden, Charles: Navajo Weaving, Santa Ana, 1934. Map, plate
57A, and pp. 80-81.
*Annual Reports of the United States Geological and Geographical
Survey of the Territories embracing Colorado and parts of adjacent
territory (F. V. Hayden). Especially Tenth Annual Report,
1876, published 1878.
Anonymous—"Announcement of Summer Field Sessions," pp. 49-54,
El Palacio, Vol. 34, 1933.
Anonymous—"The Chaco Canyon Thirty-five Years Ago," pp. 127-135,
El Palacio, Vol. 34, 1933.
*Anonymous—"Chaco Inscriptions," pp. 67-68, El Palacio, Vol. 33,
Anonymous—"Excavations at Chetro Ketl," pp. 13-20, El Palacio, Vol.
33, 1932.
Anonymous—Glimpses of Our National Monuments, pp. 10-14, National
Park Service, Washington, 1930.
Anonymous—"A New National Geographic Society Expedition: Ruins
of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico . . . to be excavated," pp. 637-643,
National Geographic Magazine, Vol. 39, June, 1921.
Anonymous—"Summer Field School in Chaco Canyon," pp. 29-37,
El Palacio, Vol. 31, 1931.
Anonymous—"Summer Field Sessions: Permanent Research Station
at Chaco," pp. 67-70, El Palacio, Vol. 35, 1933.
Anonymous—"University Group Works at Chetro-Kettle," pp. 313-323,
El Palacio, Vol. 26, 1929.
Aztec Independent-Review, Aztec, New Mexico. Published weekly, on
Friday. Various popular articles, especially in September, 1933.
*Bailey, Florence M.: Birds of New Mexico, Washington, 1928.

*Bailey, Vernon: "Life Zones and Crop Zones of New Mexico," pp.
25-41, North American Fauna No. 35, Biological Survey, United
States Department of Agriculture, Washington, 1913.
*Bailey, Vernon: "Mammals of New Mexico," North American Fauna
No. 53, Bureau of Biological Survey, United States Department of
Agriculture, Washington, 1931.
Baldwin, John D.: Ancient America, New York, 1872, pp. 85-89. Repeats
Bancroft, H. H.: The Native Races, Antiquities, pp. 650-663, Vol. IV.
San Francisco, 1883. A rehash from Simpson.
Bandelier, A. F.: Final Report of Investigations Among the Indians
of Southwestern United States, Carried on Mainly in the Years
from 1880 to 1885, Part II, Papers of the Archaeological Institute
of America, American Series, Vol. IV, Cambridge, 1892. Pp. 293308
discuss western New Mexico, but not the Chaco area.
Bandelier, A. F.: The Gilded Man, New York, 1893, p. 253.
Barber, J. W., and Howe, Henry: Our Whole Country, or the Past and
Present of the United States, 2 vols., Cincinnati, 1861. Vol. II,
pp. 1438-1441. Taken from Simpson.
*Bauer, C. M., and Reeside, J. B., Jr.: "Coal in the Middle and Eastern
Parts of San Juan County, New Mexico." Maps opposite pp. 156
and 232. United States Geological Survey Bulletin 716-G, Washington,
*Bauer, Clyde Max: "Stratigraphy of a Part of the Chaco River
Valley." United States Geological Survey Professional Paper
98-P, Washington, 1916.
Bell, A. W.: "On the Native Races of New Mexico," pp. 222-274, especially
pp. 247-248, Journal of the Ethnological Society of London,
n. s., Vol. 1, 1869. (Initials are given incorrectly; this man was Dr.
W. A. Bell.)
Bell, William A: New Tracks in North America, London, 1870, pp.
194-195, 227. This repeats the second-hand material in the previous
Bender, A. B.: "Government Explorations in the Territory of New
Mexico, 1846-1859," pp. 1-32, New Mexico Historical Review, Vol.
9, 1934.
Beuchat, H.: Manuel d'Archeologie Americaine, Paris, 1912. Pp.
194-203. From Simpson, Jackson, Morgan, and Prudden.
*Bickford, F. T.: "Prehistoric Cave-Dwellings," pp. 896-911, especially
pp. 896-903, Century, Vol. 40, Oct., 1890.
*Bloom, Lansing B.: "The Emergence of Chaco Canyon in History,"
pp. 29-35, Art and Archaeology, Vol. 11, Nos. 1-2, Jan.-Feb., 1921.
Bradfield, Wesley: "Economic Resources of Chaco Canyon," pp. 36-38,
Art and Archaeology, Vol. 11, 1921.
[Brand, Donald D., editor]: "Symposium on Prehistoric Agriculture,"
Univ. of New Mexico Bulletin 296, Anthropological Series 1:5,
Oct. 15, 1936.
Brand, D. D.: (University of New Mexico Activities in) "The Chaco
Canyon, 1935," p. 48, American Antiquity 2:1, 1936.
Brand, D. D.: "University of New Mexico Field Parties, 1936," pp.
308-9, American Antiquity 2:4, 1937.
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Brinton, Daniel: The American Race, New York, 1891, p. 115 (quoted
from A. Pinart) is source of belief that Pedro de Ainza, in 1735,
may have visited the Chaco area.
Brown, Barnum: "The Cretaceous Ojo Alamo Beds of New Mexico,"
pp. 267-274, Bulletin 28, American Museum of Natural History,
Bryan, K.: "Niches and other Cavities in Sandstone at Chaco Canyon,
N. M.," pp. 125-140, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, Band 3, Heft
3, 1928. [Not examined.]
*Bryan, K.: "Recent Deposits of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico," pp.
75-76, Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, Vol. 16,
No. 3, Feb. 4, 1926.
Bryan, Kirk, and Post, G. M.: Erosion and Control of Silt on the Rio
Puerco, pp. 78-79, Manuscript report to the Chief Engineer, Middle
Rio Grande Conservance District, Oct., 1927.
Chapman, Kenneth M.: "What the Potsherds Tell," pp. 39-44, Art and
Archaeology, Vol. 11, 1921.
Chapin, F. H.: The Land of the Cliff-Dwellers, pp. 67, 157, Boston,
Chauvenet, William: "Erosion Control in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico,
for the Preservation of Archaeological Sites," M. A. Thesis, Univ.
of New Mexico Library. Manuscript, 1935.
Clark, A. E.: "Threatening Rock," p. 209, Southwestern Monuments,
Sept., 1936.
Climatic Summary of the United States, Section 27, Northwestern
New Mexico. United States Weather Bureau, Washington, 1933.
Cockerell, T. D. A.: "Life Zones in New Mexico I," New Mexico Experiment
Station Bulletin 24, 1897.
Cozzens, Samuel W.: The Marvelous Country, Boston, 1891 (c1876),
pp. 433-440. From Simpson.
*Dane, Carle H.: "The La Ventana-Chacra Mesa Coal Field," United
States Geological Survey Bulletin 860-C, Washington, 1936.
Dane, C. H.: "Notes on the Puerco and Torrejon Formations, San Juan
Basin, New Mexico," pp. 406-411, Journal of the Washington Academy
of Sciences, Vol. 22, 1932.
Darton, N. H.: "Geologic Structure of Parts of New Mexico," pp. 173275,
United States Geological Survey Bulletin 726, Washington,
Darton, N. H.: " `Red Beds' and Associated Formations in New
Mexico," United States Geological Survey Bulletin 794, Washington,
Davis, W. W. H.: El Gringo, New York, 1857, pp. 128-131, 417-419.
Dellenbaugh, F. S.: The North Americans of Yesterday, New York,
1900, pp. 230-232. From Jackson and Pepper.
*Denburgh, John van: "Notes on the Herpetology of New Mexico,"
pp. 189-230, Proceedings California Academy of Science, 4th Series
Vol. 13, No. 12, 1924.
Dodge, R. E.: "Diurnal Winds on Faint Gradient in Northwestern
New Mexico," pp. 299-300, Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 29, No.
7, July, 1901.

Dodge, R. E.: (A paper on arroyo formation in the Chaco area), Winnipeg
Meeting, British Association for the Advancement of Science,
1909. [Not examined.]
Dodge, Richmond E.: "An Interesting Landslide in the Chaco Canyon,
New Mexico" (abst.), in New York Academy of Science Annals
15:49-50, 1903; Science n. s. 15:746, 1902; American Geologist
29:322, 1902.
Domenech, Abbé Em.: Seven Years' Residence in the Great Deserts of
North America, 2 vols., London, 1860, Vol. 1, pp. 199-200, 378-381,
419. Garbled from Simpson.
"Diario y derrotero de los RR. PP. Fr. Francisco Anastasio Dominguez
y Fr. Silvestre Velez de Escalante, para descubrir el camino
desde el presidio de Santa Fe . . . al de Monterey," (Written by
Jan. 3, 1777) pp. 375-558, Documentos para la Historia de Mexico,
Ser. 2, Tom. 1, Mexico, 1854.
*Douglass, A. E.: Dating Pueblo Bonito and Other Ruins of the Southwest,
Pueblo Bonito Series No. 1, National Geographic Society,
Washington, 1935. Especially pp. 45-47.
Douglass, A. E.: "The Secret of the Southwest Solved by Talkative
Tree Rings," pp. 736-770, National Geographic Magazine, Vol. 56,
Dec., 1929.
*Dutton, Bertha: "Leyit Kin, A Small House Site of the Chaco Canyon."
M. A. Thesis, Univ. of New Mexico Library. Manuscript,
Dutton, Bertha: "Report on Layit Kin," pp. 309-319, Southwestern
Monuments, Nov., 1936.
Dutton, Capt. Clarence E.: "Mount Taylor and the Zuñi Plateau," pp.
111-198, and Plate XIV, Sixth Annual Report of the United States
Geological Survey, Washington, 1885.
*Elmore, Francis H.: "Ethnobotany of the Navajo." Manuscript in
the University of New Mexico Press, 1937.
Erwin, A. T.: "Nativity of Cucurbita Maxima," pp. 441-446, Iowa State
College Journal of Science, Vol. 10, 1936.
Erwin, A. T.: "Nativity of the Cucurbits," pp. 105-108, The Botanical
Gazette, Vol. 9, 1931.
Essig, E. D.: Insects of Western North America, New York, 1926.
*Fewkes, J. Walter: "Archaeological Investigations in New Mexico,
Colorado, and Utah, 1916," pp. 1-38, especially 13-21, Smithsonian
Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 68, No. 1, Washington, 1917.
Fisher, R. G.: "The Chaco Canyon in 1934," pp. 117-131, El Palacio,
Vol. 37, 1934.
Fisher, R. G.: "Engineering in Southwestern Excavation and Research,"
pp. 116-119, El Palacio, Vol. 34, 1933.
*Fisher, Reginald G.: "Some Geographic Factors that Influenced the
Ancient Populations of the Chaco Canyon, New Mexico," Univ. of
New Mexico Bulletin No. 244, Archaeology Series 3:1, May 15,
Foster, William: "A Remarkable Carbonaceous Deposit Near Putnam,
New Mexico," pp. 360-368, Economic Geology, Vol. 8, June, 1913.
Gardner, James H.: "The Physical Origin of Certain Concretions,"
pp. 452-458, Journal of Geology, Vol. 16, 1908.
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Gardner, James H.: "The Puerco and Torrejon Formation of the
Nacimiento Group," pp. 714-719, Journal of Geology, Vol. 18, 1910.
Gilman, M. French: "Birds of the Navajo Reservation in New Mexico,"
pp. 146-152, The Condor, Vol. 10, 1908.
Gilmore, C. W.: "Fossil Hunting in New Mexico," pp. 17-22, Explorations
and Field Work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1929,
Washington, 1930.
Gilmore, C. W.: "A New Sauropod Dinosaur from the Ojo Alamo
Formation of New Mexico," pp. 1-9, Smithsonian Miscellaneous
Collections, Vol. 72, No. 14, Washington, 1922.
Gilmore, Charles W.: "Reptilian Faunas of the Torrejon, Puerco, and
Underlying Upper Cretaceous Formations of San Juan County,
New Mexico," United States Geological Survey Professional
Paper 119, Washington, 1919.
Gilmore, Charles W.: "Vertebrate Faunas of the Ojo Alamo, Kirtland,
and Fruitland Formations," United States Geological Survey
Professional Paper 98-Q, Washington, 1916.
Gladwin, W. and H. S.: "A Method for Designation of Cultures and
Their Variations," Fig. 4, Medallion Papers, No. XV, 1934.
Goddard, Sara: "The Zuñi Language as a Means of Interpreting
Pueblo Indian Culture." M. A. Thesis, University of New Mexico
Library. Manuscript, 1930.
Granger, Walter: "Notes on Paleocene and Lower Eocene Mammal
Horizons of Northern New Mexico and Southern Colorado," pp.
821-830, Bulletin 37, American Museum of Natural History, 1917.
*Gregg, Josiah: Commerce of the Prairies, The Journal of a Santa Fe
Trader, (1844). Reprint edition, Dallas, 1933, pp. 188-189.
Gregory, Herbert E.: Geology of the Navajo Country, United States
Geological Survey Professional Paper 93, Washington, 1917.
*Gregory, Herbert E.: The Navajo Country, United States Geological
Survey, Water Supply Paper 380, Washington, 1916.
Griffin, Jean: "Sanctuaries of the Sun," pp. 20-21, 61, New Mexico,
Vol. 11, July, 1933.
Guillemin-Tarayre, E: Geologie: Description des Anciennes Possessiones
Mexicaines du Nord, Paris, 1871.
Gumprecht: "Die Architectonischen Monumente des Westlichen Nordamerika,"
Ztchr. f. allg. Erdkunde, Vol. 3, pp. 136-65, Berlin.
[Not examined.]
Hardacre, Emma C.: "The Cliff Dwellers," pp. 266-276, especially 274276,
Scribner's Monthly, Vol. XVII, Dec., 1878. From Simpson and
*Hawley, Florence M.: "Field Manual of Prehistoric Southwestern
Pottery Types," Univ. of New Mexico Bulletin 291, Anthropological
Series 1:4, Aug. 1, 1936.
Hawley, F. M.: "Oldest Tree Ring Record of Ancient Pueblos," pp. 108110,
El Palacio, Vol. 32, 1932.
*Hawley, Florence M.: "The Significance of the Dated Prehistory of
Chetro Ketl, Chaco Cañon, New Mexico," Univ. of New Mexico
Bulletin 246, Monograph Series 1:1, July, 1934.
Hawley, F. M.: "Tree Ring Chronology in Chaco Canyon," pp. 204-205,
El Palacio, Vol. 34, 1933.

Henderson, Junius: "Molluscan Provinces of the Western United
States," pp. 177-186, Univ. of Colorado Studies, Vol. 18, 1931.
Hewett, E. L.: Ancient Life in the American Southwest, Indianapolis,
1930, pp. 289-322.
*Hewett, E. L.: Annual Report of the School (and Schools) of American
Research, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1930, pp. 9-10; 1931, pp.
11-21; 1934, pp. 11-12, 28-29, 41-46, 53-57; 1935, pp. 10-11, 23-24;
1936, pp. 11, 12-13, 17-18.
Hewett, E. L.: "Archaeology of New Mexico," pp. 429-433, Report of
the Governor of New Mexico to the Secretary of the Interior,
Washington, 1902.
Hewett, E. L.: "The Chaco Canyon and Its Ancient Monuments," pp.
2-28, Art and Archaeology, Vol. 11, No. 1-2, Jan.-Feb., 1921.
*Hewett, E. L.: The Chaco Canyon and Its Monuments, Albuquerque,
Hewett, E. L.: "The Chaco Canyon in 1921," pp. 115-131, Art and Archaeology,
Vol. 14, 1922.
Hewett, E. L.: "The Chaco Canyon in 1932," pp. 147-158, Art and
Archaeology, Vol. 33, 1932.
*Hewett, E. L.: Les Communautes Anciennes dans le desert Americain,
Geneva, 1908, pp. 51-65, especially 59-63.
Hewett, E. L.: "The Excavation of Chettro Kettle, Chaco Canyon,
1920," pp. 45-58, Art and Archaeology, Vol. 11, 1921.
Hewett, E. L.: (Fieldwork in) the Chaco during 1934, pp. 120-121,
American Antiquity 1:2, 1935.
Hewett, E. L.: Official Acts and Administrative Reports of the School
of American Research, 1918-1927, pp. 50-53, 59, 77-78, Santa Fe
Hewett, E. L.: "Prehistoric Irrigation in the Navajo Desert," pp. 323328,
Records of the Past, Vol. 4, 1905.
Hewett, E. L.: "Report on Chaco Excavations, 1932," pp. 9-11, Southwestern
Monuments, Dec., 1932.
Hewett, E. L.: Resume of the Work of the School for 1929, pp. 4-5,
8-9, Santa Fe, 1929.
Hewett, E. L.: "The Significance of the Deeper Excavations at Chettro
Ketl," p. 58, American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 35, 1931.
*Hodge, Frederick W.: "Handbook of American Indians North of
Mexico," Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 30, Pt. 1-1907,
Pt. 2-1910, Pt. I, pp. 209, 211, 250, 579, 689, 691; Pt. II, pp. 224,
316-318, 868, 931. Contains articles by Hewett on Chaco ruins.
Hoffman, W. J.: "Report on the Chaco Cranium," United States Geological
and Geographical Survey of the Territories, (F. V. Hayden),
pp. 453-457, Tenth Annual Report, 1876, Washington, 1878.
Holmes, W. H.: "Pottery of the Ancient Pueblos," pp. 315-321, Bureau
of American Ethnology, Annual Report 4, 1882-83, Washington,
*Hrdlicka, Ales: "Catalog of Human Crania, Pueblos, South Utah
Basket Makers, and Navajo," Proceedings United States National
Museum, Vol. 78, No. 2, Washington.
Hughes, John T.: Doniphan's Expedition, Cincinnati, 1848, reprinted
in Doniphan's Expedition and the Conquest of New Mexico and
Hunt, Charles B.: The Mount Taylor Coal Field, United States Geological
Survey Bulletin 860-B, Washington, 1936.
Ickes, Anna W.: Mesa Land, New York, 1933, pp. 92-94.
Ingersoll, Ernest: "Village Indians of New Mexico," Journal American
Geographical Society, Vols. 6 and 7. [Not examined]
*Jackson, W. H.: "Report on the Ancient Ruins Examined in 1875 and
1877; Ruins of the Chaco Cañon, Examined in 1877," United
State Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories,
(F. V. Hayden), pp. 431-450, Tenth Annual Report, 1876, Washington,
Jackson, William H. and Driggs, H. R.: The Pioneer Photographer,
[Pioneer Life Series], Yonkers-on-Hudson, 1929, pp. 284-290.
Repeats some material from Report on the Ancient Ruins.
Jones, Paul: "Chaco Canyon," pp. 4-6, 45, New Mexico, Vol. 10, Jan.,
Judd, Jeanita: "A Sentinel of the Desert," pp. 19, 29, New Mexico,
Vol. 9, April, 1931.
Judd, Neil M.: "Archaeological Investigations at Pueblo Bonito, New
Mexico," pp. 106-117, Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol.
72, No. 15, Washington, 1922.
Judd, Neil M.: "Archaeological Investigations at Pueblo Bonito," pp.
134-143, Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 74, No. 5,
Washington, 1923.
Judd, Neil M.: "Archaeological Investigations at Pueblo Bonito," pp.
71-77, Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 76, No. 10,
Washington, 1924.
Judd, Neil M.: "Archaeological Investigations at Pueblo Bonito, 1924,"
pp. 83-91, Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 77, No. 2,
Washington, 1925.
*Judd, Neil M.: "Archaeological Investigations at Pueblo Bonito and
Pueblo del Arroyo, 1925," pp. 80-88, Smithsonian Miscellaneous
Collections, Vol. 78, No. 1, Washington, 1926.
*Judd, Neil M.: "Archaeological Investigations in Chaco Canyon, New
Mexico," pp. 158-168, Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol.
78, No. 7, Washington, 1927.
Judd, Neil M.: "Archaeological Investigations in Utah, Arizona, and
New Mexico," pp. 98-102, Explorations and Field-Work of the
Smithsonian Institution in 1920, Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections,
Vol. 72, No. 6, Washington, 1921.
Judd, Neil M.: "Dating Our Prehistoric Pueblo Ruins," pp. 167-176,
Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution in
1929, Washington, 1930.
*Judd, Neil M.: "Everyday Life in Pueblo Bonito," pp. 227-262, National
Geographic Magazine, Vol. 48, Sept., 1925.
Judd, Neil M.: "Prehistoric Pueblo Bonito, New Mexico," pp. 141-148,
Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution in
1927, Washington, 1928.

Judd, Neil M.: "Pueblo Bonito and Its Architectural Development,"
pp. 70-73, Proceedings, 23rd International Congress of Americanists,
1928, New York, 1930.
Judd, Neil M.: "The Pueblo Bonito Expedition," pp. 323-331, National
Geographic Magazine, Vol. 41, March, 1922.
*Judd, Neil M.: "Pueblo Bonito, The Ancient," pp. 99-108, National
Geographic Magazine, Vol. 44, July, 1923.
*Judd, Neil M.: "Two Chaco Canyon Pit Houses," pp. 399-413, Annual
Report . . . of the Smithsonian Institution for 1922, Washington,
Julian, Hurst: "Report on Chaco Canyon Cliff Cavities," pp. A-K,
Southwestern Monuments, Sept., 1933.
Julian, Hurst: "Valley of the Ancient Pueblos," pp. 7-9, 49-50, New
Mexico, Vol. 11, Oct., 1933.
Keur, Dorothy: "The Excavation of a Cliff Cavity," pp. K-M, Southwestern
Monuments, Oct., 1933.
Keur, D. and J.: "Threatening Rock," Southwestern Monuments, pp.
16-17, July, 1935; pp. 389-90, Nov., 1935.
*Keur, J. Y.: "Threatening Rock," pp. A-K, Southwestern Monuments,
Oct., 1933.
*Kidder, A. V.: An Introduction to the Study of Southwestern Archaeology,
New Haven, 1924, pp. 46-57.
Kidder, A. V.: "Prehistoric Cultures of the San Juan Drainage," pp.
108-113, Proceedings, 19th International Congress of Americanists,
Washington, 1917.
Knowlton, F. H.: "Flora of the Fruitland and Kirtland Formations,"
United States Geological Survey, Professional Paper 98-S, Washington,
Law, G. W.: "Archaeology from the Sky," pp. 3-5, 38, New Mexico,
Vol. 10, Feb., 1932.
Leinau, Alice: "Sanctuaries in the Ancient Pueblo of Chetro Ketl."
M. A. Thesis, Univ. of New Mexico Library. Manuscript, 1934.
Loew, Dr. Oscar: "Report on the Ruins of New Mexico," pp. 1094-1098,
especially pp. 1095-6, Washington, 1875. Appendix J2 to Appendix
LL of Annual Report, Chief of U. S. Engineers.
Loew, O.: (Article on Southwestern Ruins), Petermann's Mittheilungen,
Vol. 22, 1876. [Not examined.]
Ligon, J. Stokeley: Wild Life of New Mexico: Its Conservation and
Management, Santa Fe, 1927.
Linney, C. E., Garcia, Fabian, and Hollinger, E. C.: "Climate as It
Affects Crops and Ranges in New Mexico," pp. 40-41, 55-56, 61-62,
77-78, New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts
Bulletin No. 182, State College, 1930.
Lummis, C. F.: Land of Poco Tiempo, New York, 1902.
Lummis, C. F.: Land of Sunshine, XV, 1901.
Lummis, Charles F.: Mesa, Cañon, and Pueblo, New York, 1925, pp.
Lummis, C. F.: "Mysterious Ruins, a Visit to Pueblo Alto," San Francisco
Sunday Chronicle, Jan. 27, 1889. [Not examined.]
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Magoffin, R. V. D., and Davis, E. C.: Magic Spades, New York, 1929,
pp. 223-226.
Marbut, C. F.: "Soils of the United States," Plate 5, Section 6, and pp.
76-82, Atlas of American Agriculture, Pt. 3, Washington, 1935.
Martin, Paul S.: Lowry Ruin in Southwestern Colorado, Anthropological
Series, Vol. 23, No. 1, Field Museum of Natural History,
Chicago, 1936. Pp. 22-23, 28, 111-114, 115-118, 203-205.
Matthew, William D.: Paleocene Faunas of the San Juan Basin, New
Mexico, American Philosophical Society Transactions, Vol. 30,
1937. [Not examined.]
Matthews, Washington: Navajo Legends, New York, 1897, pp. 81-87,
140-141, 195-208, 224, 242-243, 245.
Mindeleff, Victor: "A Study of Pueblo Architecture in Tusayan and
Cibola," pp. 70, 92, 140, 144, 145, 149, 150, 184, 195, 198, 226, Bureau
of American Ethnology Eight Annual Report, 1886-87, Washington,
Moorhead, W. K.: "A Narrative of Explorations in New Mexico, Arizona,"
etc., Bulletin of the Phillips Academy Department of Archaeology,
No. 3, 1906. [Not examined.]
Morgan, L. H.: (Article identifying Chaco ruins as the Seven Cities
of Cibola), North American Review, April, 1869. [not examined.]
Morgan, Lewis H.: Houses and House-Life of the American Aborigines,
United States Geographical and Geological Survey of the
Rocky Mountain Region, Contributions to American Ethnology,
Vol. 4, pp. 154-171, Washington, 1881. From Simpson and
Morgan, Lewis H.: Report, Peabody Museum XII, 1880. [Not examined.]
Morris, Ann Axtell: Digging in the Southwest, Garden City, 1934, pp.
79-83, 101-111.
Morris, Earl H.: "The Aztec Ruin," pp. 104-108, 135-138, 221-225,
417-420, Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of
Natural History, Vol. 26, Parts 1-5, 1919-1928.
Morris, Earl H.: "The Beginnings of Pottery Making in the San Juan
Area," Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of
Natural History, Vol. 28, Part 2, New York, 1927.
Morris, Earl H.: "Chronology of the San Juan Area," pp. 18-22, National
Academy of Science Proceedings, Vol. 7, 1921.
*Morrison, Lt. C. C.: Executive and descriptive report . . . Fieldseason
of 1875, pp. 356-67, especially 356, and 359-360, Appendix E
to Appendix JJ to Annual Report Chief of Engineers, Washington,
1876, 44th Cong. 2nd Sess., House Exec. Doc. 1, pt. 2.
Nadaillac, Marquis de: Pre-Historic America, Translated by N. D'Anvers,
Edited by W. H. Dall, New York, 1899, (c1884), pp. 198-259,
especially pp. 228-236. From Simpson and Jackson.
*Nelson, N. C.: "Notes on Pueblo Bonito," pp. 381-390, Anthropological
Papers of the American Museum of Natural History,
Vol. 27, New York, 1920.

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![]() | Tseh So, a small house ruin, Chaco canyon, New Mexico : | ![]() |