The records of the Virginia Company of London | ||
Sr Edwin Sandys Knight Thr̃err. | ||
Sr Thom: Roe. | Nicho: Hide esqr. | mr Wiseman. |
Sr Iohn Dauers. | Arth: Bromfield esqr. | mr Keightley. |
Sr Ferd: Gorge. | Iohn Bargraue esqr. | mr Cranmer. |
Sr Ni: Tufton. | Aug: Stewarde. | mr Casewell. |
Sr Io: Wolstenholme. | mr Io: Ferrar Dept. | mr Couell. |
Sr Nath: Rich. | mr Kempton. | mr Barnarde. |
Sr Tho: Wroth. | mr Nicholas Ferrar. | mr Meuerell. |
Sr Law: Hide. | mr Caninge. | mr Geor: Smith. |
Io: Wroth esquire. | mr Blande. | mr Leuor. |
George Sandys esqr. | mr Bulle. | mr Robertℯ. |
Tho: Gibbes esqr. | mr Ed: Ditchfeilde. | mr Mellinge. |
Before the readinge of the Courte mr Tr̃er signified that two seuerall
times hee had attended the Lords of his Mats: most honorable Pryvie
Councell, about the Magazine goodℯ butt nothinge was done the first
time because mr Iacobb was thought §to§ had been warned but was
not, Therfore their Lops required mr Thr̃er to sett downe his minde
in writinge and deliuer itt vnto them vppon this day, against wch time
The Kingℯ Learned Councell would be present, and Mr Iacobb should
sented itt this daie vnto their Lops wch was the first buisines they
tooke into considerac̃on, notwthstanding the said mr Iacobb was nott
present, although the messenger affirmed that hee warned him, ther-
fore by reason of his absence the Lords would not p̳ceed to a finall
determinac̃on, Butt mr Atturny delivered his opinion cleerly for
the right of the Company, whervppõ itt was adiourned till to Mor-
row, vnderstandinge that mr Iacobb wilbe there wthout faile.
The last great generall Courte beinge read mr Thr̃er affirmed acquainted
them that mr Iohn Delbridge purposinge to settle a p̱ticuler Colony in
Virginia desyringe of the Company that for the defrayinge some p̱t of
his charges, that hee might be admitted to fish att Cape Codd. Wch
request was opposed by Sir Ferdinando George aleaginge thatt hee
allwaies favoured mr Delbridge butt in this hee thought himselfe
somethinge touched that hee should sue to this Company, and not
rather to him as prop̱lie belonginge to the Nor: Collony to give libertie
for the fishinge in that place, itt lyinge wthin their latitude, which
was answered by mr Tr̃er, that the Compa: of the So: and North Plan-
tac̃ons are the one free of the other, And that the ɫres Pattentℯ is cleer
that each may ffish within the other, the Sea being free for both. [52]
Wch if the No: Colony abridge them of this, they would take away their
means and encourragment of sendinge of men, Vnto which Sr Fer-
dinando Georges replyed that if hee mistake not himselfe both the
Companies were lymitted by the Pattent vnto which hee would sub-
mitt himselfe, ffor the decydinge wherof itt is referred vnto the
Councell who are of both Companies to examine the ɫres Pattents to
morrow afternoone att my Lord of Southamptons and accordingly to
determine the Dispute.
Mr. Deputy informed the Courte that Capt: Tompson haveinge a good
Ship burthen 320 Tunn, the Comittees att their meetinge have agreed
wth him if the Courte shall allow thereof to give him 1200li to transport
for them into Virginia Two hundred men; and for 50 Tunn fraight
of goods in the said Ship 100li more, in all Thirteen hundred pound
and to victuall their men after that proporc̃on as by a not was shewed
such monneys as hee shall receive aforehand; And for p̱formance of
the said Voyadge the said Capt: Tompson was demaunded when he
would sett outt, who promised to be redy in Tilbury Hope the sixth
of ffebruary next, and would stay there fower daies to take in such as
should come, and fower daies more att Deale butt if aboue Tenn daies
that then itt might be lawfull for him to departe, Demaundinge of the
Company Eight hundred pounds in hand and fiue hundred pounds
vppon certificate of the men and goods to be landed in Virginia wch
hee insistinge vppon mr Thr̃er in the behalfe of the Company made
offer to give him Seaven hundreth pounds, and Six Hundreth vppon
Certificate as aforesaid: He beinge so farr from exactinge of the Com-
pany that hee promised that if they would lay into the Ship halfe a
Tunn of Aquavitæ for ther Sicke men hee would forbeare the present
payment of the 100li in question wch the Courte promised to p̱forme.
Whervppon mr Deputy acquainted the Courte for accomodatinge all
men, that if any p̱ticuler Adventurer would send ouer men to Virginia
let him give notice of the nomber therof to William Webb the hus-
band and pay vnto him six pounds for their passage Shippinge should
be provided for them wth the Companies men.
And because himselfe and the Comittees will have more then enough
to provide all things necessary and sufficient against that time of
sendinge their people away hee desyred that every one of the Com-
pany would give their helpinge hand for the furnishing them wth
good and able men for this voyadge, and to take such care and paines
in itt as if itt were for their owne pryvate prayinge all men to take
notice of his request. [53]
Itt was propounded that in Considerac̃on of some publique guiftℯ given
by sundry Persons to Virginia, divers Presents of Church plate, and
other ornaments—200li already given towards buildinge a Church and
ffive Hundreth pounds promised by another towards ye educating of
Infidles children that for the honour of God and memoriall of such
good benefactors a Table might hange in the Courte wth their names
and guifts incerted and the Mynisters of Virginia and the Som̄er Ilands
com̄end them to God in their prayers, wch gen9ally was held very fitt
and expedient.
And forasmuch as by the orders of this Courte the Lotteries are now
to dissolve that therfore they would consider of some course for the
defrayinge of future charge or else continue them halfe a year longer,
Whervppõ findinge no other means as yett to accrew vnto the Com-
pany, Itt was ordered they should last till midsomer next. and being
putt to ye question was confirmed by erecc̃on of hands.
ffurther Mr Thr̃er made knowne that hee had received a verie fauour-
able ɫre from the Lord Arch Bishop of Yorke that if hee will send
more breefs ther shalbe new Collecc̃ons, As allso how much the Com-
pany was beholdinge to the Dyocess of London, my Lo: Bishopp
haveinge sentt in a ffull Thousand pounds, As allso yt mr Register
demaundeth 20li wch hee saith the Compa: promised him for his
paynes. wch the Courte thinks him very worthy off, and therfore have
agreed that hee shall have the said some of xxli paid vnto him out of
such monneys as shall com to him or is yett remayninge in his
The records of the Virginia Company of London | ||