University of Virginia Library

There are Many Beauties

“Madame,” said Chevalier. “No country has secured a corner on beauty. There are beautiful women everywhere. But—the United States, she is a remarkable country—very great—very rich.”

“I have heard you described as the Al Jolson of Europe,” said I, beginning to gather up gloves, bag, vanity—the impedimenta of the feminine interviewer.

“Ah no, no,” he denied quickly. “Al Jolson is supreme in America. I lift my hat with respect to such an artist. As for me—I am just—Chevalier. But I hope America will like me a little. If so, I shall stay here—but every summer I will return to my Paris. We have a popular song—‘Ah qu'il était bon, mon village—mon Paris’—‘How beautiful my village is—my Paris.’”