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Oh fatal, horrible, atrocious night,
Oh night, for ever present to my thoughts!
Now, for two lustres, every year, I've witness'd,
Pall'd in ensanguined darkness, thy return;
Yet, 'tis not shed, the expiatory blood,
The blood that thou requirest. Oh remembrance!
Oh Agamemnon, oh my wretched father!
Within these thresholds I beheld thee slain;
And by what hand? To his most sacred tomb,
Oh night, thou guidest me, by all unseen;
Except, indeed, that, ere to-morrow dawn,
Ægisthus do not come to interrupt
The tears, which I disconsolately bring


In annual tribute to his sacred ashes!
The only tribute which I now can give thee
Of past affection, and the only pledge
Of hope, not yet quite banish'd from my bosom,
Of possible revenge. Ah! yes: I swear,
If yet I live in Argos, in this palace,
Near a flagitious mother, and the slave
Of an Ægisthus, it is that revenge,
That possible revenge, and nothing else,
That gives me strength t'endure the life I lead.
Orestes yet, though far from Argos, lives.
'Twas I that saved thee, brother; and for thee
I save myself, until the day arise,
When thou shalt shed upon my father's tomb,
Not tears, but life-blood of an enemy.