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—The Field of Battle. Alarms and Excursions.
Michael, Leo, Roman Captains and Soldiers.
1st Captain.
The day is lost—the fierce Bulgarian hosts.
Press on us everywhere. Fly, comrades, fly
For safety, ere they take us, and their horsemen
Transfix us as we flee. The Emperor
Has fled the field long since, the Roman power
Is broken in pieces.


2nd Capt.
Comrades, we are betrayed.
Some cursed treachery has done this thing,
Not the Bulgarian strength. Our Generals
Are traitors. Where was Michael, the Amorian,
With all his men, while the brave Aplaces,
Hurled his stout Macedonians on the front
Of the Bulgarian host? He is no coward,
Therefore the more a traitor. Where was Leo,
The Armenian, and his force? I cannot doubt him.
He is too true a soldier, but I fear
Lest Michael has beguiled him.

1st Capt.
Stay not, comrade.
Save thyself! All is lost!

Enter Michael and Leo.
All has gone well;
Aplaces is disgraced; the Emperor
Fled to Byzantium, and our routed host
Flings down its arms, and all the country side
Is sown with swords and shields.

My dream! My dream!
And was it I that did this treachery?
I who have fought by Aplaces' side so oft?
The van driven back, the arms of Rome disgraced?
It must not be. Nay, Michael, I must go.
It is not too late. I will to horse, and rally
The shattered van-guard. Michael, do thou take
Thy men and stay the torrent. Lose no moment.
Follow while there is time.

Stay, Leo, stay!
'Tis useless. All is lost. Dost thou forget
Our compact?

Nay, I was a fool, a villain,
To listen. 'Tis no compact which can bind
An honest soldier; treason, blood-shed, murder,
Nought else. Nay, I must go, and thou wilt follow.
Is it not so, Michael? Prithee lose no moment.
All may be saved. Think of brave Aplaces!
I will fling myself on those barbarian hosts,
And save the van.

Fool, fool! Insensate fool!
Gulled by a tale too weak to cheat a child.
Go thou, then, to thy death. My path is clear,
I have no rival now. The Emperor
Has fled, and I am Emperor of Rome.
Soon I will count with those Bulgarian thieves.
I will not leave one of the curséd crew
To trouble us again. When I am Cæsar,
As now I must be, for the army loves me
Beyond all others, I will straight take measures
With the Priests, with the army, with each power that comes
Betwixt me and my will.

[Exit Michael.


[A noise of shouting heard. Leo re-enters, borne back by soldiers.
1st Capt.
Nay, General,
It is too late, but we have seen thy valour!
If valour could have saved us, then wert thou
Saviour of Rome; but 'twas too late, too late!
Thou could'st not more than man. Comrades, behold
Your General who dared all things for you,
Who, when the fierce Bulgarian charged and broke
Upon you like a flood, and overwhelmed
The struggling van, like some tall sea-beat rock
Stood steadfast with his levies, and beat back
The onward rushing surge, but now, God wot
It is too late to win; not even Leo
Could save us; the dull bigot whom ill Fate
Thrust on the throne of Cæsar, long has fled
The blood-stained field, we have no chief but Leo;
He is our Cæsar!

Nay, but Aplaces,
Who has ta'en the glory of the day; I would give
My life to be as he. He is your Cæsar,
No other! What is victory or glory
To loyal duty? I would liefer take
Aplaces—who had dared and lost his all,
But kept his duty, than the laurelled head
Of a too cautious soldier, who has kept
His fame but lost his honour.

1st Capt.
Such as is
Michael the Amorian.

2nd Capt.
Where in truth was he,
Michael the bravest soldier of his time,
First in a score of fights?
I tell you, comrade,
I marked him and his levies.
Not a blade
Of theirs e'er crossed the foemen's. When they saw
Brave Aplaces o'erborne they did not stir,
And when men asked why thus they stood inactive,
They said, with broken voices hoarse with rage,
“Our General has ordered.” When the rout
Bore down on them, they advanced not, nor stood firm,
As Leo, but in orderly array
They got them to the rear, and now have reached
Half way to Adrianople.

1st Capt.
Treason! Treason!
And Michael is the traitor.

Ah, my dream!
Nay, nay, you are mistaken. Let me go.
I will save Aplaces!

1st Capt.
Nay, General,
It is too late!

It is not too late, I say,
Let me to horse!

Enter Soldier in flight.
Good comrades all, I pray you
Hearken, what dreadful news I have to tell.


The brave John Aplaces and all around him
Are slain; I saw them fall. I saw his body,
When Leo's men pressed the Bulgarians back,
Lie bathed in blood, pierced by a dozen spears,
And savage sword cuts.

Oh, my dream! My dream!
Oh Aplaces, my comrade Aplaces,
I would I were as thou!

1st Capt.
Nay, thou art Rome's,
And thou alone canst save her. Comrades all,
I do proclaim our sole remaining leader,
Leo the Armenian, who has kept his faith,
Cæsar of Rome!

We do acclaim thee Cæsar.

Enter Michael.
Nay, nay, you know not all—I will not take it;
I am a simple soldier, vowed to duty,
Or once I was! and would continue in it.
I do refuse your homage, kneel not to me!
But to dead Aplaces.

A Soldier.
We do acclaim thee
Cæsar of Rome. See, there the traitor stands!
Seize him, and kill him, comrades, let him die
A traitor's death.

Leo, if thou art Cæsar
Thou mayest save me. If thou dost reject
The proffered homage, but a single word
And thou wilt never more see wife nor child;
I will denounce thee.

Nay, I care not, Michael,
For death, thou knowest. Soldiers, Citizens,
Be not thus rash! I pray you let not grief
Make you unjust. If Cæsar you will have me,
Who am less worthy than the meanest footman
Who marches in your ranks—thus let it be.
I take the unwelcome gift. For this our comrade,
Michael, I do believe that he is loyal
As he was ever brave. If I accept
The crown your favour offers, I will make
Full inquest of this thing. If any show
Unfaithful to the State, then shall I purge them
With fitting punishment.

I do surrender
My sword to you, my liege, and kneel before you,
A suppliant for justice.

Long live Leo!
Long live our Emperor! We will proclaim him
In Saint Sophia's!