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The Martyr

A Drama, In Three Acts

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An open square, with buildings.
Enter Cordenius Maro, at the head of his soldiers, who draw up on either side; then enters a long procession of public functionaries, &c., conducting martyrs to the place of execution, who, as they pass on, sing together in unison: one, more noble than the others, walking first.
A long farewell to sin and sorrow,
To beam of day and evening shade;
High in glory breaks our morrow,
With light that cannot fade.
We leave the hated and the hating,
Existence sad in toil and strife;
The great, the good, the brave are waiting
To hail our opening life.
Earth's faded sounds our ears forsaking,
A moment's silence death shall be;
Then to heaven's jubilee awaking,
Faith ends in victory.

[Exeunt martyrs, &c. &c. Cordenius with his officers and soldiers still remaining; the officers on the front, and Cordenius apart from them in a thoughtful posture.
1st offi.
Brave Varus marches boldly at the head
Of that deluded band.

2d offi.
Are these the men who hateful orgies hold,
In dens and deserts with enchantments wooing
The intercourse of demons?

3d offi.
Ay, with rites
Cruel and wild. To crucify a babe,
And, while it yet hangs shrieking on the rood,
Fall down and worship it! device abominable!

1st offi.
Dost thou believe it?

3d offi.
I can believe or this or any thing
Of the possess'd and mad.

1st offi.
What demonry, thinkst thou, possesses Varus?

2d offi.
That is well urged. (To the other.)
Is he a maniac?

Alas, that I should see so brave a soldier
Thus, as a malefactor, led to death!

1st offi.
Viewing his keen enliven'd countenance
And stately step, one should have rather guess'd
He led victorious soldiers to the charge:
And they, indeed, appear'd to follow him
With noble confidence.

3d offi.
'Tis all vain seeming.
He is a man, who makes a show of valour
To which his deeds have borne slight testimony.

(advancing indignantly).
Thou liest; a better and a braver soldier
Ne'er fronted foe, nor closed in bloody strife.

[Turning away angrily to the background.
1st offi.
Our chief, methinks, is in a fretful mood,
Which is not usual with him.

2d offi.
He did not seem to listen to our words,
Yet they have moved him keenly.—
But see, he gives the signal to proceed;
We must advance, and with our closing ranks
The fatal pile encircle.

[Exeunt in order, whilst a chorus of martyrs is heard at a distance.