University of Virginia Library


A Camp.
King Ferdinand; Queen Ysabel. Alonzo d'Aguilar. Attendants: men and women.
K. Ferd.
At length the time is come, when Spain shall be
From the long Yoke of Moorish Tyrants free.
All causes seem to second our design;
And Heav'n and Earth in their destruction join.
When Empire in its Childhood first appears,
A watchful Fate 'oresees its tender years;


Till, grown more strong, it thrusts, and stretches out,
And Elbows all the Kingdoms round about:
The place thus made for its first breathing free,
It moves again for ease and Luxury:
Till, swelling by degrees, it has possest
The greater space; and now crowds up the rest.
VVhen from behind, there starts some petty State;
And pushes on its now unwieldy fate:
Then, down the precipice of time it goes,
And sinks in Minutes, which in Ages rose.

Qu. Ysabel.
Should bold Columbus in his search succeed,
And find those Beds in which bright Metals breed;
Tracing the Sun, who seems to steal away,
That Miser-like, he might alone, survey
The wealth, which he in Western Mines did lay;
Not all that shining Ore could give my heart
The joy, this Conquer'd Kingdom will impart:
Which, rescu'd from these Misbelievers hands;
Shall now, at once shake off its double bands:
At once to freedom and true faith restor'd:
Its old Religion, and its antient Lord.

K. Ferd.
By that assault which last we made, I find,
Their Courage is with their Success declin'd:
Almanzor's absence now they dearly buy,
VVhose Conduct crown'd their Armes with Victory.

Their King himself did their last Sally guide,
I saw him glist'ring in bright armour, ride
To break a Lance in honour of his Bride.
But other thoughts now fill his anxious brest;
Care of his Crown his Love has dispossest.
To them Abdalla.

Qu. Ysabel.
But see the brother of the Moorish King;
He seems some news of great import to bring.

He brings a specious title to our side;
Those who would conquer, must their Foes divide.

Since to my Exile you have pity shown;
And giv'n me Courage, yet to hope a throne.


VVhile you without, our Common Foes subdue,
I am not wanting to my self, or you.
But have, within, a faction still alive;
Strong to assist, and secret to contrive:
And watching each occasion, to foment
The peoples fears into a discontent:
VVhich, from Almanzor's loss, before were great
And now are doubled by their late defeat.
These Letters from their Chiefs, the news assures;

[gives Letters to the King.
K. Ferd.
Be mine the honour; but the profit yours.

To them the Duke of Arcos, with Ozmyn, and Benzayda prisoners.
K. Ferd.
That tertia of Italians did you guide
To take their post upon the River side?

All are according to your Orders plac'd:
My chearful Soldiers their intrenchments hast,
The Murcian foot have ta'ne the upper ground,
And now the City is beleaguer'd round.

VVhy is not then, their Leader here again?

The Master of Alcantara is slain:
But he who slew him here before you stands;
It is that Moor whom you behold in bands.

K. Ferd.
A braver man I had not in my host:
His Murd'rer shall not long his Conquest boast.
But, Duke of Arcos, say, how was he slain?

Our Souldiers march'd together on the Plain,
VVe two rode on, and left them far behind,
Till, coming where we found the valley winde,
VVee saw these Moors, who, swiftly as they cou'd,
Ran on, to gain the Covert of the wood.
This vve observ'd; and, having cross'd their vvay,
The Lady, out of breath vvas forc'd to stay:
The Man then stood and straight his fauchion drevv,
Then told us, vve in vain did those pursue
VVhom their ill fortune to despair did drive,
And yet, vvhom vve shou'd never take alive.
Neglecting this, the Master straight spurr'd on;
But th'active Moor his horses shock did shun,


And 'ere his Rider from his reach could goe,
Finish'd the Combat with one deadly blow.
I, to revenge my Friend, prepar'd to fight,
But now our foremost Men were come in sight,
Who soon would have dispatch'd him on the Place,
Had I not sav'd him from a death so base;
And brought him to attend your Royal doom.

K. Ferd.
A Manly face; and in his ages bloom.
But to content the Souldiers, he must dye;
Go, see him executed instantly.

Q. Ysabel.
Stay; I would learn his name before he goe;
You, Prince Abdalla, may the Pris'ner know.

Ozmyn's his name; and he deserves his fate;
His father heads that faction which I hate:
But, much I wonder, that I with him see
The daughter of his Mortal Enemy.

'Tis true; by Ozmyns sword my Brother fell;
But 'twas a death he merited too well.
I know a sister should excuse his fault;
But you know too, that Ozmyn's death he sought.

Our Prophet has declar'd, by the Event,
That Ozmyn is reserv'd for punishment.
For, when he thought his guilt from danger clear;
He, by new Crimes, is brought to suffer here.

In Love, or Pity, if a Crime you find;
We two have sin'd above all humane kind.

Heav'n in my punishment, has done a grace;
I could not suffer in a betters place:
That I should dye by Christians, it thought good;
[to her.
To save your fathers guilt, who sought my blood.

Fate aims so many blows to make us fall,
That 'tis in vain, to think to ward 'em all:
And where misfortunes great and many are,
Life grows a burden; and not worth our care.

I cast it from me, like a Garment torn,
Ragged, and too undecent to be worn.
Besides, there is Contagion in my Fate;
[to Benz.
It makes your Life too much unfortunate.


But, since her faults are not ally'd to mine,
In her protection let your favour shine:
To you, Great Queen, I make this last request;
(Since pity dwells in every Royal Brest)
Safe, in your care, her Life and Honour be:
It is a dying Lovers Legacy.

Cease, Ozmyn, cease so vain a sute to move;
I did not give you on those terms my Love.
Leave Me, the care of Me; for, when you go,
My Love will soon instruct me what to do.

Qu. Isa
Permit me, Sir, these Lovers doom to give:
My Sentence is, they shall together live.
The Courts of Kings,
To all Distress'd shou'd Sanctuaries be.
But most, to Lovers in Adversity.
Castille and Arragon
Which, long against each other, War did move,
My plighted Lord and I have joyn'd by love:
And, if to add this Conquest Heav'n thinks good,
I would not have it stain'd with Lovers blood.

Whatever Isabella shall Command
Shall always be a Law to Ferdinand:

The frowns of Fate we will no longer fear:
Ill Fate, Great Queen, can never find us here.

Your thanks some other time I will receive:
Henceforward, safe in my Protection live.
Granada, is, for Noble Loves renown'd;
Her best defence is in her Lovers found.
Love's a Heroique Passion which can find
No room in any base degenerate mind:
It kindles all the Soul with Honours Fire,
To make the Lover worthy his desire.
Against such Heroes I success should fear,
Had we not too an Hoast of Lovers here.
An Army of bright Beauties come with me;
Each Lady shall her Servants actions see:


The Fair and Brave on each side shall contest;
And they shall overcome who love the best.

[Exeunt omnes.