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A Tragedy

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A wild Heath; a strong Castle in View Colours flying on the Ramparts, with S. P. Q. R. in large Letters; German Tents; Officers and Soldiers on the Heath.
Gothmund, on Guard; to him Egbert.
How long must we protract this ling'ring siege?
I hate all dull delay; prompt execution,
And manly vigour are the soldier's glory.

Egbert, 'tis true; dispatch, and sudden onset
Are the great springs of war: but well you know
We have in Inguiomer a gallant chief,
Fam'd for his warlike genius; long distinguish'd
By his heroic ardour; ever active
In the embattled field; still rushing on,
Prompt, eager, fierce, and where the battle rages,
Opposing ev'ry danger.


In the field
I grant you, Gothmund, his renown is great.
Arminius scarce out-shines him; But, my friend,
Where now that warlike spirit? Tame, inactive,
We dream away the time, and let that castle
Hold us at bay. You know we might ere now
Have storm'd the works.

Our numbers are too thin:
To conquer by assault our little army
Was ill prepar'd. To spare the lives of men,
Our General chose to form a close blockade,
And hop'd ere this by famine to reduce
A feeble garrison.

So judg'd our Chief;
For that he plann'd his measures, but we know
Th'envenom'd hate, the more than deadly feud,
That, like a pent-up fire, inflames Segestes,
Ere since Arminius wedded to his daughter.
Veleda is a pris'ner in the castle;
By force her father seiz'd her, dragg'd her with him,
And there detains her, obstinately bent,
Never to let her husband see her more.

Yet still he may capitulate.

No, never;
Distress and famine may consume them both;
Content he'll perish with her.


But Arminius
Will soon be here; he comes by rapid marches
With a vast host, the German world in arms;
And then, my friend, then we may storm the works:
One bold assault shall end this tedious siege.