University of Virginia Library


The Gardens of Ceres, with the Palace at a Distance.
Ceres, Arethusa, and Cyana.
O blest Retreat! O blissful Bow'rs!
Ye sunny Hills! and verdant Glades!
Warbling Choirs, and murm'ring Springs!
Here, midst your Sweets, in full Content I reign,
Nor envy Juno on her starry Throne.—


Quick, Arethusa, fly,
Assemble all my Sylvan Train,
To raise a Trophy to victorious Jove.
[Exit Arethusa.
The rash, rebellious Sons of Earth,
Whose giant and presumptuous Pride,
With Mountains piled on Mountains Heads,
Thought to have scaled his Heaven,
His mighty Arm has quell'd: And now,
Deep in the Centre, grov'ling and subdued,
They lie the Monuments of Wrath divine.
Let Harmony sweetly resounding,
Gay Pleasure and Transport invite;
Till the Voice in loud Ecchoes rebounding,
Thro' the Vallies diffuse our Delight.
Let Harmony, &c.