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Dramatis Personæ.


    Ulysses, King of Ithaca, conceal'd for some Time under the Name of Æthon.

  • Mr. Betterton.
  • Eurymachus, King of Samos

  • Mr. Verbruggen.
  • Polydamas, Neighbouring Prince, Pretender to the Queen.

  • Mr. Mynns.
  • Thoon, Neighbouring Prince, Pretender to the Queen.

  • Mr. Knap.
  • Agenor, Neighbouring Prince, Pretender to the Queen.

  • Mr. Weller.
  • Ephialtes, Neighbouring Prince, Pretender to the Queen.

  • Mr. Freeman.
  • Telemachus, Son to Ulysses and Penelope.

  • Mr. Booth.
  • Antinous, a Nobleman of Ithaca, secretly in Love with the Queen.

  • Mr. Husbands.
  • Cleon, Friend to Antinous.

  • Mr. Dickins.
  • Arcas, Friend to Antinous.

  • Mr. Cory.
  • Mentor, Tutor to Telemachus.

  • Mr. Bowman.
  • Eumæus, an old Servant, and faithful to Ulysses.
  • Ceraunus, a Samian Officer belonging to Eurymachus.


    Penelope, Queen of Ithaca.

  • Mrs. Barry.
  • Semanthe, Daughter to Eurymachus.

  • Mrs. Bracegirdle.
  • Several Samian and Ithacan Officers and Soldiers, with other Attendants, Men and Women.