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Fedele and Fortvnio

The deceites in Loue : excellently discoursed in a very pleasaunt and fine conceited Comoedie, of two Italian Gentlemen

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Scena prima.

Enter Fortunio and Captain Crack-stone, Fortunio shewing very sad countenance.
He that discloseth to a freend the secrets of his minde:
Dooth rob him selfe of libertie, besides we dayly finde,
That others councels wil by such in euery eare be blowen:
As haue no power when time requires, to smother all their owne
Heauie and sad thow seest I am, but why my hart is sore:
Of curtesie content thy selfe and aske me that no more.

Heauie in deed and as heauie as lead,
Either it is some of these same bremy quauers, or some kinde of pricksong that runnes in his head.
Heare you Maister Fortunio, by the honor of a Soldier, by the glorye of a Captain:
By all the Poleaxes and tormenters, that theise hands haue slain,
Doo but scoure your minde to mee, and shut vp your greef:
Either Ile finde you some ease, or you shalbe hangd for a theef.
You knowe I am a good fellowe, nothing venture nothing haue,
If I had not put my carcas to the Iibbet, I had not been thus braue.
So now, if you venture not to shewe some trusty body your minde:
It will be very long ere the dresser you finde.
And so peraduenture you shall neuer be sped:
For when the Cooke is out of the way, you must goe supperlesse to bed.

How findeth he redresse, that breakes his minde vnto a foole?
Or what is learnd, where folly sets the wiser sorte to schoole?

Yet sith he braues it with the best, in euery company:
And knowes where euery gallant loues, and sees the remedy,
I will not stick to let him knowe the secrets of my hart:
And make him partner of my pain, and priuie to my smart.
Doo you knowe Victoria?

Doo not I knowe her? what think yee?
As though ere a proper gentlewoman in Naples were out of quaintance with mee?

Her haue I seen of late, and often by her windowe past:
From which shee let a letter fall, which taking vp in hast,
I read, and found within describde the frantique fits of looue:
Whether it were for mee, or any els I cannot prooue.
Whether she faine and baite her hookes the simple to beguile:
Cannot be found, till wit by line haue measured euery wile.
I knowe she loued Fedele once, before he went to Spain:
And meanes perhaps to loue him still, sith hee's returnd again.
Doo thou but sift him for my sake, and haunt out his desire:
And doutles thou shalt haue of mee, thy Captains pay for hire.

If this be all Sir, let mee alone,
About your businesse you may be gone.
I will feele Signior Fedeles minde very cunningly:
And return you an answer of this gear presently.

Gramercie, be trustye.

As trusty as steele:
I haue no fault but one, I am somwhat short in the heele.

Mi raccommando.

Basilus Codpeece for an olde Manus,
You shall not haue her at rack and maunger I trowe:
Somwhat by this for mine owne proportion I knowe.
When two bones are at strife for a dog, it is commonly seen:
That the third comes and takes it, and wipes their mouthes cleen.
I mean as you see mee in this braualitie:
To be a suter to Victoria with all profigalitie.
I brought Butter and Cheese hether to vittaile the Camp a great while:
Many times I would nick them of their measure, and the Soldiers beguile.
Like a crafty knaue, by this meanes I got so much gain:
That I bought this apparell of a Captain that was slain.
And wearing the same abroad as you see:

The Soldiers all the town ouer, make a Captain of mee.
One calles mee Captain Cheese, an other Captain Crust:
An other braue Crack-stone, take which name ye lust.
The Gentlemen are euery one glad of my company:
Because I haue such a wilde worme in my hed, as makes them all mery.
The women they loue mee, Victoria is cheefe:
But shee hath been somwhat strange of late, therfore to be breefe,
I thought some strawes were in the pad, that shee lookt so coy:
But now haue at her again, with a fresh hed in my toy.
I will first vnderproyn Sir Fedele his minde to vnderstand:
See good luck, his Schoolmaister and her Maid are at hand.
As bothe of them freendly togither doo walke:
I will sneke into a corner and hearken to their talke.

step aside.