University of Virginia Library

The Authors Commission to his Bees.

Abroad my pretty Bees: I hope youl find
Neither rough tempest, nor commanding winde
To check your flight, carry an humble wing,
Buzze boldly what I bid, but doe not sting
Your generous Patron: wheresoere you come
Feede you on waxe, leave them the Honey-combe:
Yet if you meet a tart Antagonist,
(Or discontented rugged Satyrist)
That sleights your Errant, or his Art that pend it,
Cry, Tanti: Bid him kisse his Muse—and mend it:
If then they Meawe, reply not you, but bring
Their names to me, Ile send out Waspes shall sting
Their Malice to the quick; If they cap words,
Tell 'em your Master is a twisting cord's
Shall make pride skip; if I must needs take paines,
'T shall be to draw blood from Detractions vaines,
Tho shevelld like Parchment, Art can make em bleed,
And what I vow, Apollo has decreed:
Your whole commission in one line's enrowld,
Be valiantlie free, but not too bold.
Iohn Day.