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The Tragedie of Gorbodvc

where of three Actes were wrytten by Thomas Nortone, and the two laste by Thomas Sackuyle

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The Order of the dōme shewe before the firste Acte, and the Signification therof.

Firste the Musicke of Uiolenze began to playe, durynge whiche came in vppon the Stage sixe wilde men clothed in leaues. Of whom the first bare in his necke a Fagot of smal stickes, whiche thei all both seuerallie and togither assaied with all their strengthes to breake, but it could not be broken by them. At the length one of them plucked out one of the stickes and brake it: And the rest pluckinge oute all the other stickes one after an other did easelie breake, the same beynge seuered: which beyng conioyned they had before attempted in vayne. After they had this done, they departed the Stage, and the Musicke ceased Hereby was signified, that a state knit in vnytie doth continue stronge against all force. But beynge deuyded, is easely destroied. As befell vpon Duke Gorboduc deuidinge his Lande to his two sonnes which he before held in Monarchie. And vpon the discention of the Brethrene to whome it was deuided.