University of Virginia Library


A many famous Poets do not refuse,
With Prologues t'usher in the Tragick Muse:
The Reason (Gallants!) I presume to say;
To Tomos, you are welcom all to day.
For fear (lest when y'ave seene't) you should repent
Both of your Mony, and your Time misspent,
I tell you (though our Play is new) tis writ,
After an ill old mode, with litle wit:

For in't there is a Divell and a Fool—
Such sights as Boyes affect that go to School.
This said, you have our Leave (with out Offence)
To take your mony again; And to go hence.
Nothing of Ovid then! Enough, Enough:
Dancing and fighting; And much amorous stuffe.
If any of these invite your stay; Pray know
We hope to please you; whether you will, or no:
But (if you shall dislike it) Gentlemen
Revenge your selves, and never see't agen.