The Emperovr of the East A Tragae-Comoedie |
To my true friend, and Kinsman: Philip Massinger.
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The Emperovr of the East | ||
To my true friend, and Kinsman: Philip Massinger.
I take not vp on trust; nor am I leadBy an implicit Faith: what I haue read
With an impartiall censure I dare crowne
With a deseru'd applause, how ere cri'd downe
By such whose malice will not let 'em bee
Equall to any peece limnd forth by thee.
Poems like this, that can indure the light,
And search of abler iudgements. This will raise
Thy Name, the others Scandall is thy praise.
This oft perus'd by graue witts, shall liue long,
Not dye as soone, as pass'd the Actors tongue,
(The fate of slighter toyes) And I must say
'Tis not enough to make a passing play,
In a true Poet. Workes that should indure
Must haue a Genius in em strong, as pure.
And such is thine friend; nor shall time deuoure
The well form'd features of thy Emperour.
William Singleton.
The Emperovr of the East | ||