University of Virginia Library

Scen: 3a.

Enter After a greate Tempestuous storme mr. Ashburne, an Englishe Marchant, and his man godffrey
was ever knwne such a tempestuous night.
off thonder Hayle wynd lightninge t'was as iff
the ffower seditious brother [weare at] threatned warr,
and weare but nwe at battayle,

the ffower winds you meane: blustringe ffellowes
they are, prye god all bee well at Sea, ffor I am
swer the rooffes Tyles and ridges have payde ffor it
a shower,

the very rafters off the howses bend
som breake, and are demolisht barnes blowne[s] downe
the very chimyes rattle ore our heads.
the strongest buildinges tremble Iust as iff
theire is aboue a tempest, so beelowe
there weare a ffeareffull earth-quake.

all our howses
are nothinge nwe but windowes: broad bay windowes
so spatious that carts Laden may drive' throughe,
and neather brush oth' topp or eathers syde,
lights every where wee shall have lightns Inough


heares simple woork ffor daubers:

wee are fforct
all to fforsake the villadge and to ffly
vnto the ffeilds ffor succor,

syr it putt mee
In minde off the greate' king Agathocles,
who was as I have' heard you oft relate,
braind wth' a Tyle, why may not meaner men
then ffeare the ffall off brick-batts.

Enter Raphael Tread-wy and the clowne
a strange night
and ffull off terror yet thanks heaven, well past,

oh but I ffeare the greater storms to come,
a gust that will more shake mee

more quothe hee I can scarce see howe that well can bee.
ffor I can assure you the garrett that I laye in putt
mee in mind off myne inffancy, ffor I lye all the
night longe as Iff I had bin rockt in a Cradle,

oh ffrend I ffeare this ffalse and periurd slave,
that hathe not kept apointment hathe deceivd mee
boathe off my coyne and prtious marchandyse

did you ever looke ffor better ffrom a Iudas off his hey[OMITTED]

wch Iff hee have,

why then hee hathe, and the mends is in yr owne hands
thats all that I can saye too't:

hee hathe vndoon mee dubly

hope the best,
Perhapps the threatninge weather kept him backe,
Itt was a trobled skye the soon sett blushinnge,
the rack ran swiftly rushing ffrom the west.
and these prsadges off a ffuture storme,
vwillinge to to trust her tendernes


vnto such [hazards.] ffeares, [hee] might make him ffayle his hower,
and yet wth purpose what hee slackt last night,
nwe to make goodd this morninge.

oh you tent,
my woonds too gently, dally wth my dowbts
and fflatter my trewe ffeares: the even was calme,
the skye vntrobled, and the soon went downe
wth out disturbanc in a temperate ayer
no not the least coniecture coold bee made,
off such a suddeine storme off wch the woorld
till after midnight was not sensible,
His hower was sup«per» and «in» ffaylinge that


Ey nwe beegin I to ffeare too ffor iff hee breake his
woord Iff itt bee to com to dinner' or supper Il never
trust his bond ffor the valewe off a threepenny or
dinarye after,

post you back to the Citty make in quiry
and most strickt search to ffind that mildewe out.
whome Iff you meete, ffyrst, rate his last neclect,
then hasten his repayer. heare you shall ffinde mee,
or in the waye home, ffor in all this villadge.
I will not leave' a howse a place' vnsearcht
Iff where hee dwells you misse him, then demande
att every key what shippinnge late went out,
Iff any vowed love, still remane beetwixt vs.
make it appeare nwe in your prsent care.
and expedition,

I'l bee your Mercury,
not ffayle you in the least.

and so beetwixt vs
Increase a ffrend-shipp that was never fflawed.

this gentleman itt seemes hathe in this tempest
susteind som losse hee appeares so much disturbd.

See syr heare are som itt may bee bee longe to this
villadge you had best aske off them,

and well advysd hayle ffather

no more hayle iff you love mee wee had too mch off
that last night:

off what sex are you that you call mee so,
I have bine ffather off a doughter once.
though not these many yeares blest wth her sight
but off a Soone yet never

what you have lost
may you in som most ffayer and ffortnate hower


againe [recover] ffind to your comffort

you wishe well.

sawe you nott bowte this villadge late last night
or early nwe i th morninge; a short-ffellowe,
thin heyrd fflat nosd sand beareded, and squint eyde

the mapp off misfortne and very pictur off ill luck

grosse wasted gowty leggd,

whose fface is puft vpp lyke a bladder and whose
belly lyke a toonne,

[ould graye and hoary]

[and wth all cheatinge coosininge and Crafty,]
[A remarke able raskall, a damable raskall, and]
[deceaver and a most substantiall Cinner,]

by such I have [bin] much suffred in my state,
opprest allmost to vtmost penury,
in my once better ffortune, but so late'
I sawe not any such

hee was expected
to bee attended by too' handsom gurles.
boathe yonge boathe ffayer', but th'one vnparreld,
neather off wch by computation
hathe told so hye as twenty,

Iff such I [meete,] chance to meete by accident,
Il send you notyce, please you leave your name
and place off your aboade,

Raphael I am cald,
A marchant in [my Lodginge] Marcellis and my' Lodging«e»
Is at the parrott in the Markett-place.
there you shall ffinde mee' knowne,

and by that name
prsme I'l not fforgett you,


[ffor wch curtesy] ffare you well syr
[you shall oblighe mee to you, Iff not heare,]
[weele seeke her' ffurther ffrance shall not conteine this]
[but I will ffinde theire start-holes.]

[good speede wth you,]

[Iff I weare a dogge nwe and coold hunt dry ffoote]
[I coold smell them out presently,]

com lett vs mont our selffe's vpon these rockes
and havinge ffeelinge off our hurts at Land
letts see what shyppes have bin distrest at Sea,
Iff any shaken in this storme, or wrackt,
and though wee cannot help the miserable,
«yet» lett them tast our pitty.


Sr Content But I hope your ffishermen have not
putt to Sea this [Im] night. Iff they have I sweare,
they have shewed them-selves mch madder then the

I hope they have bin more discreate and wyse,
then wth the hazar'd off my boates and netts,
to Indanger theire owne lyves.

See, [what]: do you see Syr


why yonder


there towards. yon [rocke] shore

a shipp laboringe ffor lyffe,
nwe cast vpon the rocks. nwe' splitt nwe' sinkinge,
nwe dasht to peeces

I see all micheiffes do not Com by' Land
som's doon vpon the water

though theire goods perishe,
yet in thy mercy heaven protect theire lyves,
som sitt vpon the planks som on the masts.
som hange vpon the cables, and [one or too] som ffew
have only gott the cock-boate, other's swimme.
oh that wee shoold beehold theire misery
and want power to assiste them

Sure syr it was som shipp off passengers
ffor see you, not too women, daynty ducks,
woold they coold swime as [well,] ducks can looke how they sprall
and cast theire legges abroad lyke naked ffrogges.
see howe they spread theire armes and stryve ffor lyffe,
[I woold I weare som Dolphin or som whyle,]
[that they might sitt a stryde, vpon my backe,]


[to beare them saffe ashore, but I as yet]
[coold neare indure salt water see yet still]
still theire coates beare them vpp. keepe them aloft
the modest ayer not willinge to discover,
that wch the bawdy waves shame not beelowe.

rudely to kisse and handle,

blesse them heaven
the wind and tyde still beate them toward's the shore,
but oh that cursed billowe hathe devyded
and parted them asunder, yet alls well.
they still beare vpp, Iff they but scape the next
there may bee hope off saffetye,

ones' driven this way
the tother that, the men shift ffor them selves
howe shall wee save this woman,.

no meanes vnlesse wee leape downe ffrom the rockes,
and thats meare desperation, yet to showe
our charityes to wretches thus extreamd.
letts see iff wee can ffind the least discent,
and Hasten to theire, suckor,

by your ffavour,
I had rather they wth brine shoold breake theire bellys
then I my neck wth clambringe.

Explicit Actus Prs: