A smale handfull of fragrant Flowers selected and gathered out of the lovely garden of sacred scriptures, fit for any honorable and vertuous Lady, the Lady Sheffeeld. By N. B |
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![]() | A smale handfull of fragrant Flowers | ![]() |
The names of all the flowres conteyned in this posie,
with the proper vse therof.
Dames, your senses to reuiue,
accept these Flowers in order heare,
Then for the time you are aliue
renowne your golden dayes shall beare:
Marke therefore what they haue to name,
and learne to imitate the same.
accept these Flowers in order heare,
Then for the time you are aliue
renowne your golden dayes shall beare:
Marke therefore what they haue to name,
and learne to imitate the same.
The first resembleth Constancie,
a worthie budde of passing fame,
Which euery Gentle certeinlie
delightes to chuse of for the name:
The cause is (that) the trueth to tell,
it sents and sauours passing well.
a worthie budde of passing fame,
Which euery Gentle certeinlie
delightes to chuse of for the name:
The cause is (that) the trueth to tell,
it sents and sauours passing well.
This Flower in her garden greene
Susanna planted daye and howre,
Which by her lyfe was dayly seene,
when her good fame for to deuoure
The wicked Elders did pretend,
to bring her dayes vnto an end.
Susanna planted daye and howre,
Which by her lyfe was dayly seene,
when her good fame for to deuoure
The wicked Elders did pretend,
to bring her dayes vnto an end.
But God that sawe her constantnes,
and howe she was vniustlie wrongde,
Gaue little Daniel warrantice,
to be her Iudge, wherwith he throngde
Amidest the prease with helpe diuine,
and rescued Susan at that tyme.
and howe she was vniustlie wrongde,
to be her Iudge, wherwith he throngde
Amidest the prease with helpe diuine,
and rescued Susan at that tyme.
Then when her stedfastnes was knowen,
and howe she sented of that Flower,
Whiche in Dianas bower was sowen,
the carnall Iudges fleshly power
Was cut full short, and she like case
was honored in the iudgement place.
and howe she sented of that Flower,
Whiche in Dianas bower was sowen,
the carnall Iudges fleshly power
Was cut full short, and she like case
was honored in the iudgement place.
O worthy sprig of constancie,
O iewell farre surpassing gold,
Preserued by the eternitie,
as a looking glasse for to behold,
To suche as couet with renowne,
to weare that chaste and peareles crowne.
O iewell farre surpassing gold,
Preserued by the eternitie,
as a looking glasse for to behold,
To suche as couet with renowne,
to weare that chaste and peareles crowne.
This pleasaunt braunche in Saraes brest,
was dayly vsed for a showe,
So that her fayth among the rest,
thereby did bountifully growe.
And she extolled was therefore,
as noble Matrone euermore.
was dayly vsed for a showe,
So that her fayth among the rest,
thereby did bountifully growe.
And she extolled was therefore,
as noble Matrone euermore.
Well myght I call to memorie,
Rebecca mild and Iudith chaste,
By whose great fayth and constancie,
Holofernes power was sore agaste,
So that as playne the scriptures say,
his hostes were fayne to flye away.
Rebecca mild and Iudith chaste,
Holofernes power was sore agaste,
So that as playne the scriptures say,
his hostes were fayne to flye away.
Since then ye Ladies of degree,
and honors nimphes within the place,
Whereas that pearles dame may bee,
which al the Goddes inspire with grace,
This flowre I say doth sent so well,
accept the sweete and sauery smell.
and honors nimphes within the place,
Whereas that pearles dame may bee,
which al the Goddes inspire with grace,
This flowre I say doth sent so well,
accept the sweete and sauery smell.
There is no odious stintch at all,
of any worldly infamie,
That can procure your ruynous fall,
yf you reteyne this constancie,
And therfore Ladyes plucke this flowre,
for why it withereth neuer an houre.
of any worldly infamie,
That can procure your ruynous fall,
yf you reteyne this constancie,
And therfore Ladyes plucke this flowre,
for why it withereth neuer an houre.
The second budde is modestie,
which Triata did muche delyght.
And furnished the companie,
of many a Romane matrone bright,
So that no blemishe there did growe,
as long as they the same coulde showe.
which Triata did muche delyght.
And furnished the companie,
of many a Romane matrone bright,
So that no blemishe there did growe,
as long as they the same coulde showe.
The thirde is vertuous exercise,
the fourth is called humilitie,
The fifth, to set before your eyes,
the feare of God most reuerently.
The sixth obedience to the crowne,
and Princes lawes with great renowne.
the fourth is called humilitie,
the feare of God most reuerently.
The sixth obedience to the crowne,
and Princes lawes with great renowne.
The seuenth is Pacience, for to beare
the crosse of Christe continually:
The eyght is liberall talke to heare,
and vse the same indifferently:
The ninth is called Chastitie:
the tenth, to put vp iniurie.
the crosse of Christe continually:
The eyght is liberall talke to heare,
and vse the same indifferently:
The ninth is called Chastitie:
the tenth, to put vp iniurie.
The eleuenth is to sustayne the poore:
the twelfth to aide the comfortles,
And to endeuour more and more,
to trayne your steppes to godlynes,
The thirtenth, that is cheefest skill,
which we doo call, doo good for ill.
the twelfth to aide the comfortles,
And to endeuour more and more,
to trayne your steppes to godlynes,
The thirtenth, that is cheefest skill,
which we doo call, doo good for ill.
The fourtenth is to loue the trouth,
and flatterie wholy for to shunne:
The fiftenth, barre the chaire of slouth,
whereby full many are vndonne:
For idelnes doth shame but wynne,
and is the entraunce vnto synne.
and flatterie wholy for to shunne:
The fiftenth, barre the chaire of slouth,
whereby full many are vndonne:
For idelnes doth shame but wynne,
and is the entraunce vnto synne.
The sixtenth Flower is willing zeale
vnto the sacred veritie:
Which is a lantarne to your feete,
to leade you to sinceritie:
The seuententh blossome fresh of hue,
in wordes and deedes for to be true.
vnto the sacred veritie:
to leade you to sinceritie:
The seuententh blossome fresh of hue,
in wordes and deedes for to be true.
The eyghtenth is for to restore
that by oppression hath ben gotte:
The niententh for to cure that sore,
which carelesse conscience makes to rotte:
The twenteth is sweete Charitie,
the fruites wherof begin to dye.
that by oppression hath ben gotte:
The niententh for to cure that sore,
which carelesse conscience makes to rotte:
The twenteth is sweete Charitie,
the fruites wherof begin to dye.
There are besides these, godly loue,
whose leaues though they be not so greene,
Yet who to plucke therof wyl proue,
shall with Lucrecia soone be seene,
To shine in wordes and deedes as bright,
as when the moone doth yeelde her lyght.
whose leaues though they be not so greene,
Yet who to plucke therof wyl proue,
shall with Lucrecia soone be seene,
To shine in wordes and deedes as bright,
as when the moone doth yeelde her lyght.
Loe Gentles, this smal bunche of flowres,
It is that may encrease your fame,
For they be watered with the showres,
that sacred Scriptures haue to name:
You may discerne them by the seedes,
full much vnlyke to wordly weedes.
It is that may encrease your fame,
For they be watered with the showres,
that sacred Scriptures haue to name:
You may discerne them by the seedes,
full much vnlyke to wordly weedes.
Take heede therefore howe you reiect.
the simplest flowre among them all,
For if disdayne do you infect,
to plucke one leafe the rest wyl fall:
Do not therefore the threede vntwinde,
Which doth this prettie posie bynde.
the simplest flowre among them all,
to plucke one leafe the rest wyl fall:
Do not therefore the threede vntwinde,
Which doth this prettie posie bynde.
The name thereof is diligence,
in seeking vertuous company:
A string of great preheminence,
giuen vnto vs in generally.
Therewith eche godly wyght doth make,
A snare therewith eche vice to take.
in seeking vertuous company:
A string of great preheminence,
giuen vnto vs in generally.
Therewith eche godly wyght doth make,
A snare therewith eche vice to take.
And Matrones therefore I require,
as one that wisheth al were well:
To beare a zeale and full desire,
to bye these Flowres that so dyd smell.
[illeg.] shall the bountie of the Lorde,
with all your workes right well accorde.
as one that wisheth al were well:
To beare a zeale and full desire,
to bye these Flowres that so dyd smell.
[illeg.] shall the bountie of the Lorde,
with all your workes right well accorde.
To whom be honor, power, and fame,
prayse, laude, and sempiternitie:
Doth God and man sweete Christe the same,
who planted for a certayntie.
These Flowres in heauenly paradise,
for such to gather as will be wise.
prayse, laude, and sempiternitie:
Doth God and man sweete Christe the same,
who planted for a certayntie.
These Flowres in heauenly paradise,
for such to gather as will be wise.
His blessing say, and let vs craue,
to lyght vpon our soueraigne Queene:
Whom we may see in hande to haue
this litle branche of Flowres greene.
Which sents and sauours passing well,
the redyest way to heauen to smell.
to lyght vpon our soueraigne Queene:
this litle branche of Flowres greene.
Which sents and sauours passing well,
the redyest way to heauen to smell.
Her counsell and nobilitie.
the Pastors of the Churche lyke case:
The mightie God continually,
byd we with golden droppes of grace.
That they may serue her maiestie:
With reuerence and humilitie.
the Pastors of the Churche lyke case:
The mightie God continually,
byd we with golden droppes of grace.
That they may serue her maiestie:
With reuerence and humilitie.
![]() | A smale handfull of fragrant Flowers | ![]() |