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John Clare: Cottage Tales

Edited by Eric Robinson, David Powell and P. M. S. Dawson

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The Rivals

A Pastoral

Beneath a meadow brig whose arch was dry
Some shepherds gatherd till a shower was bye
Upon whose smooth half circling roof of stone
Rude figurd scrawls in different colors shone
Spread hands & birds & self imagind flowers
Pastimes of hinds imprisond there by showers
Some made wi ruddle that the shepherd swain
Uses to mark & know his sheep again
& some by firesticks chances haply find
About the spot by gipseys left behind
& many a deeply cut two letter name
Were knives was spoilt to win an inch of fame
That linger on for years about the spot
Brands of oblivion living yet forgot
There the swains lingerd till the storm was oer
Sitting on stones rolld in for seats before
Some sat them down at leisures pleasant toil
& made them apple scopes of bone the while
One crimpt a nitting skeath upon his knees
To please a maiden whom he wishd to please
An older swain did his wet rest employ
In making whistles for an anxious boy
Who sat in anxious watchings by his side
Waiting their finish with exulting pride
While two young swains in loves discoursings fell
Lapping up love knott platts & many a spell
Of broad green reed blades were the sheltered midge
Dancd in their shadows by the mossy bridge
Swallows that darted thro the arch at play
Heard the rude noise & popt another way
My love forgets me never every spell
Links as I lap it & betokens well


When I was young & went a weeding wheat
We usd to make them on our dinner seat
& laid two blades across & lapd them round
Thinking of those we lovd & if we found
Them linkd together when unlapt again
Our love was true if not the wish was vain
An old droll woman who first told it me
Vowd that a truer token coud not be

Three times Ive lapd mine up & still tis out
A fatal number had I cause to doubt
But Mary field flower still is fond & free
& near shows nothing to dishearten me
I care not what such foolish trifles tells
For I can bring up better proofs then spell[s]

Then show them Simon for if she be true
To lovers vows she has no room for two
Near feast on fancy tis a dangerous food
To take as earnest in a loving mood
She throws a rosey veil round self conse[i]t
That like the canker round the heart will eat
Till theres ought left to cherish her disguise
Then like worm eaten fruit it drops & dies
If I judge right the maid you name is mine
Nor without proofs will I her truth resign

These I can give in plenty tho I own
I never knew that she had kindness shown
To other shepherds then my self till now
& much more chaind her freedom with a vow
Last old may fair when I got bold wi beer
I lovd her long before but had a fear
To speak as by a stall she chancd to stand
Wi kerchief full of farings in her hand


I venturd up & tapd her oer the arm
She seemd at first to startle wi alarm
But when I begd a faring at the wake
She loosd her kerchief & pulld out a cake
& in return for her good naturd ways
I offerd ribbons which I heard her praise
But she refusd & said shed plenty got
& thankd me kindly tho she had them not

When ere at sunday feast or rushing fair
I go & meet wi rosey Mary there
If my dog finds her first he rubs her cloaths
& wags his tail een she to him bestows
A ginger button & quick turns agen
Thinking his masters not far from her then
& when she notices were I may be
She comes unaskd to offer things to me
& neer refuses the returns I make
But meanest trifles condesends to take
& when Im backward in my gifts to try
Her love shell ask me what I mean to buy
Last christmas blast I joind the skaiting crew
That yearly racd for hats wi ribbons blue
& swam away wi young hopes swiftest pace
Nor was I cheated for I won the race
& when I took the ribbons home at night
To Mary she seemd trembling wi delight
& near refusd the profferd gift to take
But said well done Ill keep it for your sake

Once we with others at a neighbours met
To play at cards when she agen me set
& tho at first she edgd her chair away
She got more free as we began to play
& from the table as my cards I took
Shed smile & oer my shoulder steal a look


To make believe in true loves fondling way
She wishd to know the cards I had to play
& when to try her love I made pretence
To leave off playing for the wants of pence
She from her lap took out the penny fee
& put it neath the candlestick for me
& tho she woud not take when we retird
My hand to guide her home as I desird
She said tho night was dark the way was short
& wishd good night & thankd me kindly fort

Last martinmass at night we joind to play
A hand or two & keep a holiday
When we chusd partners not as love regards
But by the fortunes of the lifted cards
When Mary peept at one she took in hand
& lookd at me to make me understand
Pointing the color in her flowery dress
I took the hint & well knew which to guess
The colord card said I my guesses seek
Is somthing like the rose on marys cheek
A bonny red for me—she laughd outright
& said then Im your partner for the night
& blushd & hitchd her chair up close to mine
& paid wi joy her kiss for every fine
When the hour came for mirth & time to part
Tho it was late she seemd as loath to start
& tho the full moon shone as bright as day
She almost askd me if Id lead the way
Making broad signs by many an urgd complaint
How she had sat till she was fit to faint
& the rude cumbering umberella got
To load her journey when twas wanted not
I took the hint & askd if she woud go
When she jumpd up wi out the least ado
& took my arm nor illness longer feignd
& quite fo[r]got that she had ere complaind


These are plain proofs & I can bring up morts
To show whose name is nearest in her thoughts

Once neath a hugh ash tree she made a stop
To view a magpies nest upon the top
I thought she wishd the eggs & up I went
Nor stopt to ask her looking what it meant
The grain sweed like a bulrush in the wind
But I clumb on & left my fears behind
She praisd the spotted eggs but seemed in pain
So up I took them to the nest again
Poor birds she sighed to hear them noise & flye
Tho more perhaps to think Id clumb so high
I was emboldend from such shown regard
To beg & take a kiss as my reward
& tho behind her hands she hid her face
She only blushd nor frownd at my embrace

Force puts no choice their own free will is best
What we urge earnest they but take in jest
One day while picking sprigs of hillock thyme
A little pismire in the flowers did climb
That to her bosom proved a rebel guest
& stung her as she placed it in her breast
Red pimples rose upon the snowy skin
& sighs bespoke the anguish it was in
But when she showed it me with blushing face
I bent with trembling heart & kissed the place
Urging the charm as cure for all her pain
She smiled as wishing to be kissed again

Once in the pasture lane at evenings hours
She stoopd adown to reach the brooks flag flowers
& sure enough had I not caught her gown
Headlong the venturing girl had toppld down


& the deep pit where she had nigh fell in
It takes the sunday bathers to the chin
I held her in my arms till dangers fright
Was calmd & then she bade me a good night
I woud have kissd her but she said me nay
& smiling promisd as she walkd away
To dance wi me on the next holiday

Once from her choice black lamb I stoopd to pull
A bramble that got tazzeld in the wool
& prickd my hand she seemd to feel the pain
& tryd wi pin to pick it out in vain
& sighs the while did her white bosom swell
& tear drops startld while she wishd it well
Owning she wishd Id let the lambkin be
As she had rather it were hurt then me

Aye some delights to try a gossips spell
& flatterys honey suits some lovers well
Ive took her milk full often oer a stile
She always thankd me & woud often smile
& when shes missd a lamb at morns young light
Thinking the fox had stole it off at night
Shed mourn & sigh & seek it & enquire
When I searchd too oft prickd wi thorn & briar
& when she sorrowd tho the lamb was free
I might think to[o] that she was grievd for me

Thoughts deals in fancys far away from truth
& follys shadows shine like suns to youth
But reasons proofs are never urgd in vain
& what Ive witnessed Ill believe again
Once neath this very bridge when left alone
I cut my name in full upon the stone
Twas weeding time & she was toiling nigh


Wi others cutting thistles from the rye
& one day coming to the place again
When they had been for shelter from the rain
I saw her own name in full letters shine
Scratchd wi a knife or bodkin close to mine
& linkd together wi a trueloves knott
Mine lingers still upon the much lovd spot
But some rude fool wi envy at his heart
Has scratchd hers out & tore the links apart
& let them hide loves shadows as they will
The heart that wrote is my possesion still
I told her of the proof wi anxious pride
& tho she ownd it not she near denyd

On plough witch monday I was in the barn
Tying my bottles up of foddering corn
To take afield for sheep that round the stacks
Lay wi the small snow winnowing on their backs
When in she came wi cheeks as pale as death
& scarce coud spake the while for want of breath
Keep secrets Sim she said I need them now
The witch chaps come & skulkd behind the mow
& in they brushd & laughd & stird about
Threatning rude kisses if they found her out
While I to screen her as she wishd me swore
That I had seen her bustle by the door
So off they ran & she came smiling out
& said she hated to be slaumd about
Wi their black faces—but when I began
To urge my claims she never shriekd & ran
As from a snake or toad—but said the day
Was short & labour had no time for play

But hark ye Simon thats in seasons gone
On last plough monday I myself was one
She saw us coming & prepard to flee


But oer her shoulder left a laugh on me
She hid as one that wishes to be found
& while the others lookd the house around
I heard the creaking of the dairey door
Knowing such secrets by her ways before
& instant put her hiding place to rout
Nor did she hold the latch to keep me out
She might my grizzld face a little dread
“Youll spoil my sunday cap” she cringd & said
I hopd she woud not take my ways unkind
“O no” she laughd “theres water never mind”

Some sundays back Id been to fold my sheep
Just as the red sun down the woods did creep
& looking back while wandering home again
I saw a girl come down the pasture lane
& slackend pace to pull a wild rose down
That she might catch me ere we met the town
& turning round again as near she drew
Twas marys self who nodded “how do ye do”
& joind & chatterd freely by my side
Oft turning round my happy dog to chide
Who chasd the hares that sat on clover knolls
At feed & rabbits squatting by their holes
& praisd the black bird at his evening song
That in the hedgerow ranted all along
His old song “Draw the knave a cup of beer
“Be quick quick quick” in chorus plain & clear
Such sounds will oft old womens thoughts engage
Who mock the tame ones in their wicker cage
At length the crossing field of corn came on
Were the path only spard a room for one
Tho she went first still she woud often turn
The unheard answers of our talk to learn
& oft as if she wishd it love the while
Shed ask me what it was I said & smile
Ive oft wishd since Id tryd at ways to woo


& gone before to brush the damping dew
& tho half shoy & fearful all the while
I never urgd to help her oer a stile
Shed let me climb them first & make a stand
As if she wishd to offer me her hand
But I kept backward purposly to prove
The self betrayings of my marys love
& sure enough all that have eyes may see
Thro this the value that she has for me

They may indeed & mary in her mirth
Woud say a farthing is of kindred worth
Last may day eve she spraind her foot at play
& when she found she coud no longer stay
She came to me & made broad signs the while
To lead her home & help her oer each stile
Some said she feignd it as excuse to go
Be as it woud I near enquird to know
But took her arm & went & on our road
She many a smile & many a kiss bestowd
Till I een fancyd tho I said it not
That all was feignd for she her wounds forgot
& as she leand to rest agen a stile
The pale moon hanging oer her looks the while
“Richard” she said & laughd “the moon is new
“& I will try if that old tale is true
“Which gossips tell who say that if as soon
“As any one beholds the new may moon
“Bright leaning oer green fields of grass & corn
“Slender & crooked like an old rams horn
“They oer their eyes a silken kerchief fling
“That has been slided thro a wedding ring
“As many years as they shall single be
“As many moons they thro that blind shall see
“& I for once will try the truth I vow
“For this that hangs about my bosom now
“Was drawn thro one upon a bridal night


“When we was full of gossip & delight
“Old women if they knew me dot woud call
“Me fond & think I wishd the number small
“Een you may think me foolish or too free
“But be ast will Ill take it off I see”
Then instant from her moon gilt neck she threw
It first oer me & bade me tell her true
& sure as I stand here while that was oer
I saw two moons as plain as one before
“Bless me” she said & when she put it on
She laughd & told me she coud see but one
But when I bade her look agen & try
She then saw two the very same as I
& as the kerchief round her neck she tyd
She laughd & said well now Im satisfied
Mary I answerd then it rests wi you
To suit the tale & make it false or true
She took my arm & said I[m] glad to find
The new moon proves us both with in a mind
This was as plain a hint as she coud say
& other proofs were throwing words away
Yet she made promises that night to me
That next years summer may expect to see
When a love nott between us shall be twind
As fast as rings & parsons words can bind

Ill not believe it tho I own her ways
Much more of freedom then I wishd betrays
Still her good manners I will keep in mind
& near believe that marys so unkind
She always thanks me very kind & free
For help in toil & thats a proof for me
Last live long winter thro for such rewards
I cleard the pads from snow about the yards
& litterd straw in all the pudgy sloughs
About the hovel were she milkd her cows
& often milkd when I had time in hand


& from the heath brought many a load of sand
When ere at plough or muck-cart I have been
Her shining rows of pewter plates to clean
& oft in summer kept away from church
In stead of her the old hens nests to search
& slove up from my supper many a day
When master at the market was away
For her a stolen pear or plumb to reach
Or gait of water from the pump to fetch
& she has smild & thankd me oer & oer
Love proves itself I need not tell no more
Yet once while clambering oer the orchard wall
I fell & from my pocket in the fall
My knife was lost—& mary ever free
Found it & offered it as mine to me
But I denyd it then that mine was gone
On purpose that the maid might keep it on
So she no more inquirys card to make
& Ill be bound she wishd it for my sake

Well tho I had not time to tend her so
Or milk her cows or clear her pads of snow
Love has no out door charms for winter weather
Twas spring & summer when we met together
Yet when a chance fell out—at her desire
I waited on her at the kitchen fire
& often made her evening labour light
& took the hugh pot off the hooks at night
Brim full of milk the cady calves to feed
& soon as chances left no eyes to heed
Were soon as ere she thought the job was oer
Shed make excuse to meet me at the door
In whispering ways shed oer my shoulder lean
While I took kisses from my toil unseen
Whenever she sat up to bake or brew
I slove to help her when no body knew
While she woud of her own accord agree


To hunt the yard & seek new eggs for me
Seeking about when all were safe abed
Neath cribs & straw wiout a fear or dread
Nor dreaded striding witch or sheated ghost
To lap them up in the hot coals to roast
Tho shed no cellar key an horn to fill
I filld a sweet wort dish & sipt at will
Tho she drank none at those late hours of stealth
Shed sip & own it was to drink my health
& when the summer blossoms ceasd to bloom
& time to take the honey up was come
When the blue brimstone torch was set alight
To smother in ther hives the bees at night
When she would call it cruelty & sigh
& often take her apron up to cry
Yet thought tho troubled oer each murderd bee
To save the whitest honeycomb for me
& oft shed from her folded apron take
Gifts venturing chaps had stolen for her sake
& bade me chuse what ere I might prefer
& oft to prove I left the chance to her
When in a minute shed begin to seek
A favourite apple wi the reddest cheek
Or plumb that lookd the mellowest—the while
Holding them out wi many a sweeter smile
& if I fetchd her water from the well
Shed slive out too some secret tale to tell
Tho the true cause was hid in loves deciet
She wishd to hear the hour at eve to meet
These are not only proofs of love but speak
Things plain as ever one may wish to seek
As to the knife there all your hopes must sink
Know knives cut love not keep it as you think
One that she picked up once you soon may see
Such gifts are dangerous so she sold it me
So own it if you can Ill that resign
But Mary Field flower still I claim as mine
Aye Simon lad why turn ye from the view


Play wi your watch chain when youve nought to do
Look up & answer me or else refrain
& own youve lost & well be friends again

Aye said the old man wi a sickening smile
Whod shut his knife to listen them awhile
Poor Simons baffld hopes have stood too long
His proofs were seldom right & often wrong
His chance is bad I own if all be true
So make it up & have no more to do
Throw down the foolish love ye long have nurst
& done or else the rain will finish first
Simon who from their gaze had turnd around
& wi his hook progd holes about the ground
Whistled his rested dog lapt up asleep
& in the rain went seeking up his sheep
Glad from a rivals triumph to retreat
Yet near acknowledgd that himself was beat
While Richard turnd his comrades talk to join
& proudly sneerd to see his foe resign