University of Virginia Library



(By a very Heavy Swell)

No! I'm not in the least democratic,
I object to a mob and a crush,
My tastes are too aristocratic
My way through a crowd to push.
So when to the cattle I take my way,
It's on either a crown or a half-crown day!
I in toto object to the “people,”
They are always so shockingly rude,
E'en on men on society's steeple,
Their sad vulgar remarks they'll intrude.
So you cannot wonder I'd rather pay
To see the show on a half-crown day.


On the high-priced days c'est une autre
Chose tout à fait, if you please
Then the place is quite filled with les notres,
With the people one everywhere sees,
Who, like myself, much prefer to pay
To see the show on a half-crown day.
Need I say that we don't care a button
For the beasts in which farmer's delight;
As long as the sheep turn to mutton,
And the oxen to beef, why it's right!
To see and be seen is for what we pay
At Islington on the half-crown day.
What to us are the tools used for farming?
For our tenants they're all very well;
But there really cannot be a charm in
Such things to the genuine swell.
And that being the case I prefer to pay
To see the show on a half-crown day.