University of Virginia Library




August, 1794.
Farewel, sweet scenes familiar to mine eyes,
Oft have I mark'd you with a transport blest;
Tho' now no more for me your charms shall rise,
Or give my soul a transitory rest.
Farewel, thou blue and ever restless main,
On whose clear breast yon bright orb sheds his ray;
While from the vault above with boundless reign,
He proudly flames, the exulting Lord of day.
Farewel, ye little skiffs that calmly scud
With trembling white sail to each zephyr true
Along the wide and undulating flood;
Sweet fairy objects of a fairy view!


And you, ye proud majestic ships, that glide
With swelling canvas, and with pennants gay,
Stately and slow along the obedient tide,
No more for me ye plow your wat'ry way!
Farewel, the glowing sigh, the swelling thought,
The throb mysterious, and the tear so sweet;
Farewel, the joys that inspiration brought,
And Nature wild, in Solitude's retreat.
I haste, alas! from this unruffled main,
I haste from shores where sighs the placid wave,
To scenes of moral misery and pain,
The billowy storms of busy life to brave.
Feelings of peace, ye melting thoughts, I go,
I go, with you to never more sojourn!
Day-dreams of sweet imaginary woe,
I quit your charms realities to mourn!