University of Virginia Library


The greatest Man is not so great, but we
May imitate him, so far as he is
A Man; for to be quite a Man, this, this
Is in the Reach of all! however He be,
In Wealth, Power, Genius, raised above us, He
Is but our equal as a Man; nay his
Best Glory is to be so! let him miss
This brightest Crown of true Humanity,
And he is no more Great! in doing Good,
None need be little, for the Poorest can
Give most, tho' but the crust which is his Food!
And He whom Fancy with her Rainbowspan
Made first of Poets, by a pure Heart could
Be, and was, something more; He was, a Man.

Alluding to Milton, who was greater as a man, than as a Poet.

Here used for Imagination.