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The Airedale poet's walk through Knaresbrough

and its vicinity. By John Nicholson

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Around my path each way I find,
Thy goodness Lord abounds to me;
Oh teach this heart, this wav'ring mind,
To fear—to love—to honour thee.


For when I've paus'd with anxious care,
When blighted hopes have me oppress'd;
I still have found that thou wer't near
To ease and soothe my troubl'd breast.
Oh that this heart would never stray,
Nor grieve such goodness shewn to me;
But calmly track its homeward way,
Nearer each hour—each day to thee.
Forgive the wand'rings thou hast seen,
And let me onward as I move;
More grateful prove than I have been,
More highly prize thy heavenly love.
Praise in the Cave—the Chapel, or the wood,
The field—the mountain—must be ever good;
On foreign seas—in every distant part,
When 'tis the language of a grateful heart.