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Carmina Brugesiana

Domestic Poems by Edward Quillinan

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Sacred to the Memory of
Jemima, relict of Edward Brydges
Of Wootton Court, Esq.r
Whom she survived nine and twenty years;
And dying December 1819, aged 81,
Was buried in the Family Vault in this Church.
She was of illustrious Birth,
Being youngest Daughter, and Coheiress,
Of William Egerton L. L. D. Prebendary of Canterbury,
Rector of Penshurst, and Chancellor of Hereford,
Who was one of the sons of
The Honourable Thomas Egerton of Tatton Park in Cheshire,
A younger son of John 2.d Earl of Bridgewater,
By Lady Elizabeth Cavendish, Daughter of
William Duke of Newcastle.
An Example of conjugal fidelity,
And domestic virtues,
She passed the most important portion
Of her life
In the adjoining Mansion;
Where the elegance of her manners,
The attractions of her person,
And the kindness of her conduct,
Secured her the respect of the High,


And the veneration of the Poor.
Of strong talents, and cultivated mind,
She lived and died in the mingled awe,
And comfort, of the Christian Faith.
If age at length enfeebled her frame,
The cares of a numerous Family
Struggling with the storms of the world,
Neither extinguished her cheerfulness,
Nor her love of society.
Keenly alive to praise,
She repaid attentions with the warmest gratitude,
And sunk into the grave surrounded
By those, whose respect and kindness
Were most delightful to her.
Sacred also to the Memory of
Edward Tymewell Brydges of Wootton Court, A. M.
Also Rector and Patron of Otterden,
And of this Parish; (Eldest son the said Jemima
By the said Edward,)
Who died at this seat,
Oct. 17. 1807, aged 58.
He died respected by his neighbours,
And beloved and deeply lamented
By his Parishioners.
With Feelings too acute
For the common concerns of Life,
He possessed a Philanthropy,
Which glowed with delight at
All the refined pleasures of Society.
A mild eloquenee,
Combined with a melodious voice,
Gave a charm to his Oratory,


Which could rarely be excelled;
And numerous were the Friends,
Whom the attractions of his manners,
And the suavity of his disposition
Procured and rivetted.
The Cares of Life, and
The protracted Litigation of his Claim
To the ancient Barony of Chandos,
Which wasted so many years
Of his existence,
Were at length
Too much
For a delicate Constitution;
And he sank into the grave
Before his Mother,
After a severe Illness of four years,
Which he bore
With the most patient fortitude.
He left no surviving Issue
By his wife Caroline,
Daughter of Richard Fairfield, Esq.r
Of Streatham in Surry,
Who joins his two surviving Brothers
Sir Egerton Brydges Bart. K. J.
J. W. H. Brydges Esq.r
In erecting this Monument.