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Devotional Verses

Founded on and Illustrative of select Texts of Scripture [by Bernard Barton]

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“Now the Lord said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will show thee.” —Genesis, xii. 1.

Get thee out, and leave behind
All the ties that kindred bind;
From thy home and country go
To a land that I will show.”
Such the call the faithful heard;
Flesh and blood had long demurr'd,
Fear'd, and doubted, and delay'd,
Disbeliev'd—and disobey'd.
Abram heard, believing God!
Duty's onward path he trod;
Trusting Him whose word could bless,
Won the meed of faithfulness.


Christian pilgrim, Zion-ward,
True disciple of thy Lord,
May his Spirit to thy heart
Kindred faithfulness impart.
Thou hast heard a voice within;
Let that voice attention win;
Doubt not, fear not, self abhorr'd,
Follow on to know the Lord.
At his bidding sacrifice
More than country's, kindred's ties;
These may still be spared to thee,
Let thy heart thy Master's be.
Daily, hourly, labour there,
Waiting, watching unto prayer;
Wait to know thy Master's will,
Watch and pray to do it still.
Then thy calling shall be sure,
Thy election made secure,
And the meed by Abram won
Thine through his Immortal Son.