University of Virginia Library



The route has come, we march away,
Our colours dance before us,
But sorrow's cloud made dark the day
That from our sweethearts tore us;
My own dear lass she sobbed “adieu,”
Her loving arms entwined me,
And oft she prayed me to be true
To the girl I left behind me.
Yes! I'll be true; when steel to steel
The ranks of war are rolling,
And round us every cannon peal
A funeral knell is tolling;
Then if from out the battle flame
A fatal ball should find me,
My dying lips shall bless the name
Of the girl I left behind me.


But, if in triumph I return
To tell a soldier's story,
Though proudly on my breast should burn
The golden cross of glory,
No other maid with magic art
Shall break the links that bind me
For ever to the faithful heart
Of the girl I left behind me.