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One Sabbath, just as eve was come,
When musings all were sleepy-fair,
Sunshiny Wakefulness ran home
And left me dreaming in my chair.
At once I searched among the flowers
Of Heaven to find my mother's face:
By beds of musk, in lilac bowers,
And near laburnums' golden grace.
I could not. Then I dreamed I woke
With trouble aching in my brain,
Till on my startled vision broke
A sight to make me young again;
For radiant in the window-seat
My mother sat with downward look
Intently reading (how unmeet
For eyes so fair!) my latest book.


At last, when all the book was read,
She gave a happy little nod,
Drooped lower still her gracious head,
Kissed it, and faded back to God.