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Poetical Pictures of the Great War

Suitable for Recitation. First Series ... Second Series ... Third Series ... Fourth Series. By Mackenzie Bell

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October 9th, 1914.
Not a throb of our hearts but in anguish responds
To the sight of the dire desolation!

Oh! cruel the thraldom and bitter the bonds
Of our wretched and down-trodden nation!
And in scarce-spoken words we are heard to declare,
War hath made us well-nigh broken-hearted,
Ah! often, alas! we are fain to despair
Since joy from our land hath departed.
Yet, arouse ye, undaunted, remembering that still
Retribution is certainly waiting,
Still strive with the foemen who work us such ill
'Mid their bland hypocritical prating.
Keep our nation awake! though down-trodden she lies!
Not a moment be longer down-hearted!
And rejoicing will come if fair Belgium arise,
And her freedom return which departed.