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Poems by the Late Reverend Dr. Thomas Blacklock

Together with an Essay on the Education of the Blind. To Which is Prefixed A New Account of the Life and Writings of the Author

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How blest the man, how more than blest!
Whose heart no guilty thoughts employ;
God's endless sunshine fills his breast,
And smiling conscience whispers peace and joy.
Fair Rectitude's unerring way
His heav'n-conducted steps pursue;
While crowds in guilt and error stray,
Unstain'd his soul, and undeceiv'd his view.
While, with unmeaning laughter gay,
Scorn, on her throne erected high,
Emits a false delusive ray,
To catch th' astonish'd gaze of Folly's eye;
Deep in herself his soul retir'd,
Unmov'd, beholds the meteor blaze,
And, with all-perfect Beauty fir'd,
Nature, and nature's God, intent surveys.
Him from high heav'n, her native seat,
Eternal Wisdom's self inspires;
While he, with purpose fix'd as fate,
Pursues her dictates, and her charms admires.


In sunshine mild, and temp'rate air,
Where some refreshing fountain flows,
So nurs'd by nature's tend'rest care,
A lofty tree with autumn's treasure glows.
Around its boughs the summer gale
With pleasure waves the genial wing;
There no unfriendly colds prevail,
To chill the vigour of its endless spring.
Amid its hospitable shade
Heav'n's sweetest warblers tune the lay;
Nor shall its honours ever fade,
Nor immature its plenteous fruit decay.
By God's almighty arm sustain'd,
Thus Virtue soon or late shall rise;
Enjoy her conquest, nobly gain'd,
And share immortal triumph in the skies.
But fools, to sacred wisdom blind,
Who Vice's tempting call obey,
A diff'rent fate shall quickly find,
To every roaring storm an easy prey.
Thus when the warring winds arise,
With all their lawless fury driv'n,
Light chaff or dust incessant flies,
Whirl'd in swift eddies thro' the vault of heav'n.


When in tremendous pomp array'd,
Descending from the op'ning sky,
With full omnipotence display'd,
Her God shall call on nature to reply:
Then Vice, with shame and grief depress'd,
Transfix'd with horror and despair,
Shall feel hell kindling in her breast,
Nor to her Judge prefer her trembling pray'r:
For, with a father's fond regard,
To bliss he views fair Virtue tend;
While Vice obtains her just reward,
And all her paths in deep perdition end.