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Life and Songs of the Baroness Nairne

With a Memoir and Poems of Caroline Oliphant the Younger: Edited by the Rev. Charles Rogers ... With a Portrait and Other Illustrations

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To the hills of her youth, cloth'd in all their rich wildness,
Farewell she is bidding, in all her sweet mildness,
And still, as the moment of parting is nearer,
Each long-cherish'd object is fairer and dearer.
Not a grove or fresh streamlet but wakens reflection
Of hearts still and cold, that glow'd with affection;
Not a breeze that blows over the flow'rs of the wild-wood,
But tells, as it passes, how blest was her childhood.
And how long must I leave thee, each fond look expresses,
Ye high rocky summits, ye ivy'd recesses,
How long must I leave thee, thou wood-shaded river,
The echoes all sigh—as they whisper—for ever!
Tho' the autumn winds rave, and the seared leaves fall,
And winter hangs out her cold icy pall—
Yet the footsteps of spring again ye will see,
And the singing of birds—but they sing not for me.


The joys of the past, more faintly recalling,
Sweet visions of peace on her spirit are falling,
And the soft wing of time, as it speeds for the morrow,
Wafts a gale, that is drying the dew drops of sorrow.
Hope dawns—and the toils of life's journey beguiling,
The path of the mourner is cheered with its smiling,
And there her heart rests, and her wishes all centre,
Where parting is never—nor sorrow can enter!