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A PARAPHRASE UPON The Ninth Chapter of the Revelations.


What strange Emotion fires my lab'ring Soul?
What heav'nly Impulse fills my swelling Veins?
Thro' all my Limbs the rising Horrors roll,
And o'er my Breast the big Infusion reigns.


Mortals, attend; to you th'Event I show,
To you the memorable Woes belong,
Let future Times th'important Vision know,
And Age to Age record the wondrous Song.
What I reveal with due Observance hear,
Start at your fatal Doom, and own the conscious Fear.


I saw from Heav'n a gliding Star descend
Commission'd to unfold the Deep below,
I saw the Deep with quick Convulsions rend,
And open all the flaming Gulphs of Woe.
Darkning around a smouldring Vapour broke,
Wide thro' the Gloom the spiral Sulphur rose
Like curling Volumes of ascending Smoke,
When some capacious Furnace darkly glows:


Enwrapp'd in dusky Wreaths th'expanded Night,
Gloom'd shadowing o'er the Skies, and veil'd the fainting Light.


Sudden I saw from out th'infernal Lake
In fierce Array embattled Locusts rise,
I saw them thence their dreadful Journey take
Like a black Cloud slow-moving to the Skies,
Strong as the War-horse their big Forms appear'd
Pawing impatient for the martial Race,
High on their Heads their golden Helmets rear'd
Crown'd the stern Image of an human Face;
Down from their golden Helms their waving Hair.
Stream'd terrible behind, and swam in ambient Air.



Fierce as a Flame they gleam'd along the Field,
Their figur'd Arms were various to behold,
Mysterious Names were grav'd on ev'ry Shield,
And monstrous Forms emboss'd the frowning Gold
Forth as they march'd a sanguine Splendor came,
Forth from their Mouths contagious Volumes flow'd,
From their wide Nostrils roll'd the livid Flame,
And their sharp Tongues with fiery Hissings glow'd:
In their sharp Tongues two pointed Spears they wore,
And in their Scorpion Tails vindictive Poisons bore.


Where will th'important Desolation end?
To what sad Clime confine it, wasteful Way?


Will it against the Works of Nature tend
The Fields, the Woods, the Rivers, or the Sea?
Ah! no, ye blooming Offspring of the Ground,
Your native Innocence averts the Blow,
Breathe still, ye Flow'rs, nor feel the fatal Wound,
Glide on, ye Streams, nor dread impending Woe.
The Flow'rs shall breathe, the Streams shall freely glide,
Till Heav'n with human Blood distain the rising Tide.


To Men alone, you impious Sons of Earth,
Justly to you is lingring Vengeance come,
Too late Remorse succeeds the Sinner's Mirth,
When Heav'n's reluctant Wrath decrees his Doom.


You, on whose Brows with foul Inscription stain'd
Seals of Idolatry pernicious shine,
Whose Hands obscene with Pagan Rites prophan'd
Fed the strange Altar and polluted Shrine;
Whose Brands your merited Destruction tell,
Those Brands of Sin and Death, of Infamy and Hell.


Sudden I saw a radiant Streamer move
With Pagan Characters emblazon'd round,
Pleasure the Idol Goddess thron'd above
With various Pomp the golden Ensign crown'd.
There stood the painted Forms of Crimes refin'd,
And all the lewd Attendants of her Pride,
Mad Mirth before, and meager Lust behind,
The sensual Atheist, and adult'rous Bride;


A fair Disguise they wore, deform'd within
Sate falsely-smiling Vice, and Death-conceiving Sin.


While thus I stood deep musing in my Mind
I heard a Voice break thro' an angry Cloud,
That borne impetuous on the sounding Wind
Thus to th'infernal Legions call'd aloud;
Hither, ye ghastly Instruments of Fate,
These my dire Foes, and this your destin'd Prey:
These the just Victims of my vengeful Hate,
Wing your swift Flight, and hither urge your Way.
Startling they rush'd, and from their poisonous Breath
Flash'd the sulphureous Flame, and scatter'd Seeds of Death.



See thro' the Land the black Battalions walk,
Wrath and Revenge beneath their Banners lie,
See the grim Pestilence before them stalk,
And point where'er the just Destroyers fly.
Now the full Vial of Almighty Ire
Streams on the World, and pours down all its Woes,
Earth, Heav'n and Hell with mutual Rage conspire
When God descends to scourge his rebel Foes.
See from his Hand the flaming Vengeance hurl'd
Sweeps the devoted Earth, and wide devours the World.