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Three poems

I. To the Right Honourable the Lord High-Chancellor of Great Britain; on His Lordship's being created Earl of Macclesfield. II. To the Right Honourable the Lord Parker; on his return from his travels. III. To the same, the Right Honourable the Lord Parker; on his marriage with Mrs. Mary Lane. All written by L. Eusden

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To the Right Honourable the LORD PARKER On His Marriage with Mrs. MARY LANE.

------ Quippe hæc Concordia Vobis,
Hic Amor est: ------
------ Ite per Annos,
Sæculaque, & priscæ Titulos præcedite Famæ!

Again, my Muse, the Lyre to PARKER string,
Again, in Transport, thy lov'd PARKER sing!
Awhile forbear to sound in mournful Strains
Brave Heroes gasping on Judëan Plains:
For softer Conquests quit the martial Throng,
'Tis HYMEN calls Thee from great TASSO's Song.
The wish'd-for Days their Courses have begun,
(Ye Days, for ever in white Order run!
For ever, PHOEBUS, Years on Years display
As sweet and lovely, as the Bridal Day!)
The Time is come, the Time we long'd to see,
And Marriage all our Hopes shall crown in Thee;
Thy future Race our ev'ry Wish employ:
A PARKER's Nuptials grow a Nation's Joy.


Here, could I with a Roman Genius flow,
In lively Colours the rich Scene should glow.
No ruffling Winds should vex the cloudless Sky,
But Zephyrs breathe as soft, as Lovers sigh.
SATYRS and frisking FAUNS should quit the Woods,
And sportive NAIDS dance upon the Floods.
The Torch of HYMEN should aloft be born,
And Gods and Goddesses the Pomp adorn.
A fragrant Garland, see! divinely made,
Swift HERMES brings from the Mænalian Shade.
See EVAN! see APOLLO's beauteous Face!
Both shine immortal with a bloomy Grace.
Once CYTHERËA, pierc'd by DIOMED,
Mov'd not JOVE's Pity, tho' to JOVE she fled:
Since that, in genial Triumphs she delights,
In milder Conflicts, and more pleasing Fights.
Behold her Chariot, drawn with glossy Doves!
Behold her Train of little, flying Loves!
Hither they wing their Way t'unload their Freight,
Each, labouring, pants beneath some precious Weight;
These to the Bride with Indian Treasures come,
Those bear the Spoils of Ocean's rifl'd Womb:
Diamonds, and Pearls, and Amethysts we view,
With Iacinths yellow, and with Sapphires blue.
Th'unchanging Em'rald's Verdure all approve,
Delightful Emblem of unchanging Love.
Now the whole Paphian Throng employ'd is seen,
Obedient to the Nods of Beauty's Queen.
Some deck the Gates, and Myrtles twine around,
Or with Sabëan Odours strew the Ground.
Some pour Ambrosial Streams, whilst others light
A thousand golden Lamps, and chase the Night.
The Nymphs attend with Cannisters of Flow'rs,
And smiling Pleasure leads the dancing Hours.
Sudden two Rosie Wreaths drop from above;
Accept the heav'nly Gifts, which Concord wove.
The busie Graces, all assisting, stand,
Each plies her Office with a dext'rous Hand:


They dress the lovely Maid, in every Part,
With seeming Negligence, but study'd Art.
Great JUNO, moving with majestick Pride,
Conducts her darling Charge, the beauteous Bride.
VENUS her powerful Cestos brought with Care,
Kindly to lend new Glories to the Fair,
But found th'enchanting Girdle needless there.
There native Sweetness, which no Verse can tell,
Un-artful Looks, and soft Deportment dwell,
Un-sully'd Innocence, and sprightly Youth,
Eternal Love, join'd with eternal Truth.
How on her Face the varying Blushes rise!
How quick bright Gleams shoot trembling from her Eyes!
Lillies may spring, and opening Roses blow,
And to her Cheeks their Rival Colours show;
Not the fair Lilly, nor the Rosie Dye
Can with her Mind's un-fading Beauties vie.
O Bridegroom! by propitious Fates decreed,
Where others fail'd of Conquest, to succeed!
With ATALANTA thus rash Lovers strove,
But 'twas HIPPOMENES first gain'd her Love;
'Twas Love alone her airy Swiftness stay'd;
The golden Fruit had never stopp'd the Maid.
Oft foreign Nymphs, by too vain Passions led,
Have secret wish'd to share thy Nuptial Bed;
Oft pray'd, that CUPID's Pow'r thy Heart would melt,
That Thou might'st feel the Tortures, They had felt.
The God comply'd:—The Love-sick PARKER mourn'd,
But not for you, alas! ye Nymphs, He burn'd.
The God, for your Revenge, gave fiery Pain;
But PARKER could not love, and love in vain.
Yet many a Day, and many a sleepless Night
Sighing He past, a Stranger to Delight.
At length embolden'd He his Flame confest,
His Looks, his Accents mov'd the Charmer's Breast,
So languish'd He awhile, for ever to be blest.
Hail wedded Love! of Joys the Source sincere!
Un-pall'd by present Grief, or future Fear.


Thy Raptures roul on Raptures without End,
While lawless Pleasures racking Pains attend.
In EDEN's blissful Earth Thou took'st thy Rise,
And still in every Land can'st make a PARADISE.
Thrice happy Pair! the weary'd, fainting Muse
Receives new Transports from fresh, opening Views.
She sees a long, un-born, Patrician Race,
Who their own great Fore-fathers proudly trace,
Nor for Examples of bright Virtue roam,
But find enough to emulate at Home.
The Prospect here how infinitely sweet,
When Youth weds Youth, and blooming Ages meet!
Unlike the Practice of declining Beaus,
Who, spent in shameless Revels, want Repose:
Sick of a vitious World they seek a Wife,
And providently take a Nurse for Life.
Beauty with Vigour should be still ally'd,
In Heaven, ALCIDES, HEBE was thy Bride.
Illustrious Youth! for public Glories born,
This Bridal Song with wonted Smiles adorn.
The Critic's Sting is in thy Candour lost,
Thou, who can'st spy most Faults, forgiv'st the most.
Wit, poiz'd with Judgment, in thy Soul combines,
And Learning always with Good-nature shines.
Oft Bards, who strive to raise some Fav'rite Name,
Relie on Hear-say, and thence build a Fame;
Or bid their Fancies rove without Restraint,
And give him all the Beauties they can paint.
But I Thy Virtues never can display
In a false Lustre, and too bright a Day:
These Eyes have seen the Wonders of thy Youth,
And I sing boldly, what I sing with Truth.
Cambridge, October 9, 1722.