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The Canons of Criticism and Glossary

Being A Supplement to Mr. Warburton's Edition of Shakespear ... The Sixth Edition, with Additions [with] The Trial of the Letter y, alias Y, and Sonnets [by Thomas Edwards]

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To Miss ------
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To Miss ------

Sweet Modesty, the third of that fair band,
Whom virtuous friendship, ill by churls deny'd
To Ladies' gentle bosoms, hath ally'd;
May I unblam'd your favoring voice demand,
While arm'd with Truth's good shield alone I stand
In Shakespear's cause determin'd to abide
Th' outrageous efforts of insulting pride,
And marks of Calumny's detested brand?
Deep are the wounds she gives, and hard to heal.
Yet though enrag'd her hundred tongues she join
With canker'd spite to blast my honest name,
I reck not much, nor bate my pious zeal;
But to the Fair and Good my cause resign,
Who smile on Virtue, and whose smiles are Fame.