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Poems On several Occasions, and Translations

Wherein The First and Second books of Virgil's Aeneis are attempted, In English. By Tho. Fletcher

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[While you with Musick and with Beauty charm]

While you with Musick and with Beauty charm,
And ev'ry Sense alarm;
All Hearts their strange united Pow'r confess,
Yet dare not wish it less.
Love finds to ev'ry Heart an easie Way
Or thro' the Ear or Eye.
So fair your Face,
So sweet your Voice;
You seem at once to be
Both Orpheus and Eurydice.


See how the Amorous, the happy Air,
More happy far than I,
Proud to be moulded into Sounds by her,
About her Lips do's play!
Till kist into a Note it skips away,
And prattles loud its Joy.
Ah! Cruel Fair,
Your Scorn forbear
Nor give that Liberty
To Air, which is deny'd to me.