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[Accursed Pride taught Angels to rebel]

Accursed Pride taught Angels to rebel,
Govern'd by That, immortal Spirits fell
From Heav'nly Seats, and Mansions all Divine,
Where they did with a spotless Brightness shine;
Where Light, as glorious as Meridian Day,
Did all around its lustrous Beams display,
And where Delights, for Mortals much too high,
Did them with unexhausted Joys supply,
They sunk to Realms of Darkness and Despair.
No Light but that of livid Flames was there;
A pale, a dismal, melancholy Sight:
All there was Horror, all did there affright,
And there they still must live, excluded from Delight.


This dang'rous Mischief I with Care will shun,
Will never be by haughty Thoughts undone.
My self I know, and by that Knowledge taught,
My Soul have to a humble Temper wrought.
Nothing that's mine shall proud idea's raise;
Weak little Minds still fondest are of Praise.
'Tis want of Sense that does Mankind elate,
The Wise consider their dependant State;
How short their Views, how little 'tis they know,
By what slow Steps thro' Nature's Labyrinth go,
Where, like mean worthless Worms, they to superior Beings show.