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[Transformd in shew, but more transformd in minde]

Transformd in shew, but more transformd in minde,
I cease to strive with double conquest foild:
For (woe is me) my powers all I finde
With outward force, and inward treason spoild.
For from without came to mine eyes the blowe,
Whereto mine inward thoughts did faintly yeeld;
Both these conspird poore Reasons overthrowe;
False in my selfe, thus have I lost the field.
Thus are my eyes still Captive to one sight:
Thus all my thoughts are slaves to one thought still:
Thus Reason to his servants yeelds his right;
Thus is my power transformed to your will.
What marvaile then I take a womans hew,
Since what I see, thinke, know is all but you?