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Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Re-edited from Ms. Cotton Nero, A. x., in the British Museum, by Sir Israel Gollancz. With introductory essays by Mabel Day and Mary S. Serjeantson
1 occurrence of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
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1 occurrence of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
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Now neȝeȝ þe nwȝere & þe nyȝt passeȝ,
Þe day dryueȝ to þe derk, as dryȝtyn biddeȝ;
Bot wylde wedereȝ of þe worlde wakned þeroute,
Clowdes kesten kenly þe colde to þe erþe,
Wyth nyȝe in-noghe of þe norþe, þe naked to tene;
Þe snawe snitered ful snart, þat snayped þe wylde;


Þe werbelande wynde wapped fro þe hyȝe
& drof vche dale ful of dryftes ful grete.
Þe leude lystened ful wel, þat leȝ in his bedde,
Þaȝ he lowkeȝ his liddeȝ, ful lyttel he slepes;
Bi vch kok þat crue he knwe wel þe steuen.
De-liuerly he dressed vp er þe day sprenged,
For þere watȝ lyȝt of a lau[m]pe þat lemed in his chambre.
He called to his chamberlayn, þat cofly hym swared,
& bede hym bryng hym his bruny & his blonk sadel;
Þat oþer ferkeȝ hym vp & fecheȝ hym his wedeȝ
& grayþeȝ me sir Gawayn vpon a grett wyse.
Fyrst he clad hym in his clopeȝ, þe colde for to were;
& syþen his oþer harnays, þat holdely watȝ keped,
Boþe his paunce & his plateȝ, piked ful clene,
þe ryngeȝ rokked of þe roust of his riche bruny;
& al watȝ fresch as vpon fyrst, & he watȝ fayn þenne
to þonk;
He hade vpon vche pece,
Wypped ful wel & wlonk,
Þe gayest in-to Grece;
Þe burne bede bryng his blonk.


Whyle þe wlonkest wedes he warp on hym-seluen,—
His cote wyth þe conysaunce of þe clere werkeȝ,
Enu[ire]ned vpon veluet vertuus stoneȝ,
Aboute beten & bounden, enbrauded semeȝ,
& f[e]r[ly] furred with-inne wyth fayre pelures.


Ȝet laft he not þe lace, þe ladieȝ gifte,
Þat for-gat not Gawayn, for gode of hym-seluen.
Bi he hade belted þe bronde vpon his balȝe hauncheȝ,
Þenn dressed he his drurye double hym aboute,
Swyþe sweþled vmbe his swange swetely þat knyȝt,
Þe gordel of þe grene silke þat gay wel bisemed
Vpon þat ryol red cloþe þat ryche watȝ to schewe.
Bot wered not þis ilk wyȝe for wele þis gordel,
For pryde of þe pendaunteȝ, þaȝ polyst þay were,
& þaȝ þe glyterande golde glent vpon endeȝ,
Bot forto sauen hym-self, when suffer hym by-houed,
To byde bale with-oute dabate, of bronde hym to were,
oþer knyffe;
Bi þat þe bolde mon boun
Wynneȝ þeroute bilyue,
Alle þe meyny of renoun
He þonkkeȝ ofte ful ryue.


Thenne watȝ Gryngolet grayþe, þat gret watȝ & huge,
& hade ben soiourned sauerly & in a siker wyse,
Hym lyst prik for poynt, þat proude hors þenne;
Þe wyȝe wynneȝ hym to, & wyteȝ on his lyre,
& sayde soberly hym-self & by his soth swereȝ,
‘Here is a meyny in þis mote þat on menske þenkkeȝ;
Þe mon hem maynteines, ioy mot [he] haue!


Þe leue lady on lyue, luf hir bityde!
[Þus] þay for charyte cherysen a gest,
[Þat] halden honour in her honde; þe haþel hem ȝelde
Þat haldeȝ þe heuen vpon hyȝe, & also yow alle!
& ȝif I myȝt lyf vpon londe lede any quyle,
I schuld rech yow sum rewarde redyly, if I myȝt.’
Þenn steppeȝ he in-to stirop & strydeȝ alofte;
His schalk schewed hym his schelde, on schulder he hit laȝt,
Gordeȝ to Gryngolet with his gilt heleȝ,
& he starteȝ on þe ston, stod he no lenger
to praunce;
His haþel on hors watȝ þenne,
Þat bere his spere & launce.
‘Þis kastel to Kryst I kenne,
He gef hit ay god chaunce!’


The brygge watȝ brayde doun, & þe brode ȝateȝ
Vnbarred & born open vpon boþe halue;
Þe burne blessed hym bilyue, & þe bredeȝ passed;
Prayses þe porter, bifore þe prynce kneled,
Gef hym God & goud day, þat Gawayn he saue;
& went on his way with his wyȝe one
Þat schulde teche hym to tourne to þat tene place
Þer þe ruful race he shulde re-sayue.
Þay boȝen bi bonkkeȝ þer boȝeȝ ar bare,
Þay clomben bi clyffeȝ þer clengeȝ þe colde;


Þe heuen watȝ vp-halt, bot vgly þer-vnder
Mist muged on þe mor, malt on þe mounteȝ;
Vch hille hade a hatte, a myst-hakel huge;
Brokeȝ byled & breke bi bonkkeȝ aboute,
Schyre schaterande on schoreȝ, þer þay doun schowued.
Welawylle watȝ þe way þer þay bi wod schulden,
Til hit watȝ sone sesoun þat þe sunne ryses
þat tyde;
Þay were on a hille ful hyȝe,
Þe quyte snaw lay bisyde;
Þe burne þat rod hym by
Bede his mayster abide.


‘For I haf wonnen yow hider, wyȝe, atþis tyme,
& now nar ȝe not fer fro þat note place
Þat ȝe han spied & spuryed so specially after;
Bot I schal say yow forsoþe, syþen I yow knowe,
& ȝe ar a lede vpon lyue þat I wel louy,
Wolde ȝe worch bi my wytte, [yow] worþed þe better.
Þe place þat ȝe prece to ful perelous is halden;
Þer woneȝ a wyȝe in þat waste, þe worst vpon erþe;
For he is stiffe & sturne, & to strike louies,
& more he is þen any mon vpon myddelerde,
& his body bigger þen þe best fowre
Þat ar in Arþureȝ hous, Hestor oþer oþer.
He cheueȝ þat chaunce at þe chapel grene,
Þer passes non bi þat place so proude in his armes
Þat he ne dyn[g]eȝ hym to deþe with dynt of his honde;
For he is a mon methles, & mercy non vses,


For be hit chorle oþer chaplayn þat bi þe chapel rydes,
Monk oþer masse-prest oþer any mon elles,
Hym þynk as queme hym to quelle as quyk go hym-seluen.
For-þy I say [yow] as soþe as ȝe in sadel sitte,
Com ȝe þere, ȝe be kylled, may þe knyȝt rede,
Trawe ȝe me þat trwely, þaȝ ȝe had twenty lyues
to spende;
He hatȝ wonyd here ful ȝore,
On bent much baret bende,
Aȝayn his dynteȝ sore
Ȝe may not yow defende.’


‘For-þy, goude sir Gawayn, let þe gome one,
& gotȝ a-way sum oþer gate, vpon Goddeȝ halue;
Cayreȝ bi sum oþer kyth, þer Kryst mot yow spede;
& I schal hyȝ me hom aȝayn & hete yow fyrre
Þat I schal swere bi God & alle his gode halȝeȝ,
As help me God & þe halydam & oþeȝ in-noghe,
Þat I schal lelly yow layne & lauce neuer tale
Þat euer ȝe fondet to fle for freke þat I wyst.’
‘Grant merci,’ quoþ Gawayn, & gruchyng he sayde,
‘Wel worth þe, wyȝe, þat woldeȝ my gode,
& þat lelly me layne, I leue wel þou woldeȝ.
Bot helde þou hit neuer so holde, & I here passed,
Founded for ferde for to fle, in fourme þat þou telleȝ,
I were a knyȝt kowarde, I myȝt [n]ot be excused.
Bot I wyl to þe chapel, for chaunce þat may falle,
& talk wyth þat ilk tulk þe tale þat me lyste,


Worþe hit wele oþer wo, as þe wyrde lykeȝ
hit hafe;
Þaȝe he be a sturn knape
To stiȝtel, & stad with staue,
Ful wel con dryȝtyn schape
His seruaunteȝ forto saue.’


‘Mary!’ quoþ þat oþer mon, ‘now þou so much spelleȝ
Þat þou wylt þyn awen nye nyme to þy-seluen,
& þe lyst lese þy lyf, þe lette I ne kepe;
Haf here þi helme on þy hede, þi spere in þi honde,
& ryde me doun þis ilk rake, bi ȝon rokke syde,
Til þou be broȝt to þe boþem of þe brem valay;
Þenne loke a littel on þe launde, on þi lyfte honde,
& þou schal se in þat slade þe self chapel
& þe borelych burne on bent þat hit kepeȝ.
Now fareȝ wel on Godeȝ half, Gawayn þe noble,
For alle þe golde vpon grounde I nolde go wyth þe
Ne bere þe felaȝschyp þurȝ þis fryth on fote fyrre.’
Bi þat þe wyȝe in þe wod wendeȝ his brydel,
Hit þe hors with þe heleȝ as harde as he myȝt,
Lepeȝ hym ouer þe launde & leueȝ þe knyȝt þere
al one.
‘Bi Goddeȝ self,’ quoþ Gawayn,
‘I wyl nauþer grete ne grone,
To Goddeȝ wylle I am ful bayn,
& to hym I haf me tone.’



Thenne gyrdeȝ he to Gryngolet & gedereȝ þe rake,
Schowueȝ in bi a schore at a schaȝe syde,
Rideȝ þurȝ þe roȝe bonk ryȝt to þe dale;
& þenne he wayted hym aboute, & wylde hit hym þoȝt,
& seȝe no syngne of resette bisydeȝ nowhere,
Bot hyȝe bonkkeȝ & brent vpon boþe halue,
& ruȝe knokled knarreȝ with knorned stoneȝ;
Þe skweȝ of þe scowtes skayned hym þoȝt.
Þenne he houed & wyth-hylde his hors at þat tyde,
& ofte chaunged his cher þe chapel to seche;
He seȝ non suche in no syde, & selly hym þoȝt,
Saue a lyttel on a launde, a lawe as hit we[re],
A balȝ berȝ bi a bonke þe brymme by-syde,
Bi a forȝ of a flode þat ferked þare;
Þe borne blubred þer-inne as hit boyled hade.
Þe knyȝt kacheȝ his caple & com to þe lawe,
Liȝteȝ doun luflyly & at a lynde tacheȝ
Þe rayne, & hi[t] riche[d] with a roȝe braunche;
Þenne he boȝeȝ to þe berȝe, aboute hit he walkeȝ,
Debatande with hym-self quat hit be myȝt.
Hit hade a hole on þe ende & on ayþer syde,
& ouer-growen with gresse in glodes ay-where,
& al watȝ holȝ in-with, nobot an olde caue,
Or a creuisse of an olde cragge; he couþe hit noȝt deme
with spelle,
‘We, lorde,’ quoþ þe gentyle knyȝt,
‘Wheþer þis be þe grene chapelle?
He[re] myȝt aboute myd-nyȝt
Þe dele his matynnes telle.’



‘Now i-wysse,’ quoþ Wowayn, ‘wysty is here;
Þis oritore is vgly, with erbeȝ ouer-growen;
Wel bisemeȝ þe wyȝe wruxled in grene
Dele here his deuocioun on þe deueleȝ wyse;
Now I fele hit is þe fende, in my fyue wytteȝ,
Þat hatȝ stoken me þis steuen, to strye me here;
Þis is a chapel of meschaunce,—þat chekke hit by-tyde!
Hit is þe corsedest kyrk þat euer I com inne.’
With heȝe helme on his hede, his launce in his honde,
He romeȝ vp to þe roffe of þo roȝ woneȝ;
Þene herde he of þat hyȝe hil, in a harde roche,
Biȝonde þe broke, in a bonk, a wonder breme noyse.
Quat! hit clatered in þe clyff as hit cleue schulde,
As one vpon a gryndelston hade grounden a syþe;
What! hit wharred & whette as water at a mulle.
What! hit rusched & ronge, rawþe to here.
Þenne ‘bi Godde,’ quoþ Gawayn, ‘þat gere a[s] I trowe,
Is ryched at þe reuerence me, renk, to mete
bi rote;
Let God worche; we loo,
Hit helppeȝ me not a mote.
My lif þaȝ I for-goo,
Drede dotȝ me no lote.’


Thenne þe knyȝt con calle ful hyȝe,
‘Who stiȝtleȝ in þis sted, me steuen to holde?


For now is gode Gawayn goande ryȝt here,
If any wyȝe oȝt wyl, wynne hider fast,
Oþer now oþer neuer, his nedeȝ to spede.’
‘Abyde,’ quoþ on on þe bonke abouen ouer his hede,
‘& þou schal haf al in hast þat I þe hyȝt ones.’
Ȝet he rusched on þat rurde rapely a þrowe,
& wyth quettyng a-wharf, er he wolde lyȝt;
& syþen he keuereȝ bi a cragge & comeȝ of a hole,
Whyrlande out of a wro wyth a felle weppen,
A deneȝ ax nwe dyȝt, þe dynt with [t]o ȝelde,
With a borelych bytte bende by þe halme,
Fyled in a fylor, fowre fote large,
Hit watȝ no lasse, bi þat lace þat lemed ful bryȝt.
& þe gome in þe grene gered as fyrst,
Boþe þe lyre & þe leggeȝ, lokkeȝ & berde,
Saue þat fayre on his fote he foundeȝ on þe erþe,
Sette þe stele to þe stone & stalked bysyde.
When he wan to þe watter, þer he wade nolde,
He hypped ouer on hys ax, & orpedly strydeȝ,
Bremly broþe on a bent þat brode watȝ a-boute,
on snawe.
Sir Gawayn þe knyȝt con mete,
He ne lutte hym no þyng lowe,
Þat oþer sayde, ‘now, sir swete,
Of steuen mon may þe trowe.’


‘Gawayn,’ quoþ þat grene gome, ‘God þe mot loke!
I-wysse þou art welco[m], wyȝe, to my place,
& þou hatȝ tymed þi trauayl as truee mon schulde;
& þou knoweȝ þe couenaunteȝ kest vs by-twene:
At þis tyme twelmonyth þou toke þat þe falled,


& I schulde at þis nwe ȝere ȝeply þe quyte.
& we ar in þis valay verayly oure one,
Here ar no renkes vs to rydde, rele as vs likeȝ;
Haf þy helme of þy hede, & haf here þy pay;
Busk no more debate þen I þe bede þenne
When þou wypped of my hede at a wap one.’
‘Nay, bi God,’ quoþ Gawayn, ‘þat me gost lante,
I schal gruch þe no grwe for grem þat falleȝ;
Bot styȝtel þe vpon on strok, & I schal stonde stylle
& warp þe no wernyng to worch as þe lykeȝ,
He lened with þe nek & lutte
& schewed þat schyre al bare
& lette as he noȝt dutte,
For drede he wolde not dare.


Then þe gome in þe grene grayþed hym swyþe,
Gedereȝ vp hys grymme tole, Gawayn to smyte;
With alle þe bur in his body he ber hit on lofte,
Munt as maȝtyly as marre hym he wolde;
Hade hit dryuen adoun as dreȝ as he atled,
Þer hade ben ded of his dynt þat doȝty watȝ euer.
Bot Gawayn on þat giserne glyfte hym bysyde,
As hit com glydande adoun on glode hym to schende,
& schranke a lytel with þe schulderes for þe scharp yrne.
Þat oþer schalk wyth a schunt þe schene wyth-haldeȝ,
& þenne repreued he þe prynce with mony prowde wordeȝ:


‘Þou art not Gawayn,’ quoþ þe gome, ‘þat is so goud halden,
Þat neuer arȝed for no here by hylle ne be vale,
& now þou fles for ferde er þou fele harmeȝ;
Such cowardise of þat knyȝt cowþe I neuer here.
Nawþer fyked I ne flaȝe, freke, quen þou myntest,
Ne kest no kauelacion in kyngeȝ hous Arthor.
My hede flaȝ to my fote, & ȝet flaȝ I neuer;
& þou, er any harme hent, arȝeȝ in hert;
Wherfore þe better burne me burde be called
Quoþ G[awayn], ‘I schunt oneȝ,
& so wyl I no more,
Bot þaȝ my hede falle on þe stoneȝ,
I con not hit restore.


Bot busk, burne, bi þi fayth, & bryng me to þe poynt,
Dele to me my destine & do hit out of honde,
For I schal stonde þe a strok, & start no more
Til þyn ax haue me hitte, haf here my trawþe.’
‘Haf at þe þenne,” quoþ þat oþer, & heueȝ hit alofte,
& wayteȝ as wroþely as he wode were;
He mynteȝ at hym maȝtyly, bot not þe mon ryneȝ,
With-helde heterly h[i]s honde er hit hurt myȝt.
Gawayn grayþely hit bydeȝ & glent with no membre,
Bot stode stylle as þe ston oþer a stubbe auþer
Þat raþeled is in roche-grounde with roteȝ a hundreth.
Þen muryly efte con he mele, þe mon in þe grene,


‘So now þou hatȝ þi hert holle, hitte me bihou[e]s.
Halde þe now þe hyȝe hode þat Arþur þe raȝt,
& kepe þy kanel at þis kest, ȝif hit keuer may!’
G[awayn] ful gryndelly with greme þenne sayde,
‘Wy, þresch on, þou þro mon, þou þreteȝ to longe,
I hope þat þi hert arȝe wyth þyn awen seluen.’
‘Forsoþe,’ quoþ þat oþer freke, ‘so felly þou spekeȝ,
I wyl no lenger on lyte lette þin ernde
riȝt nowe.’
Þenne tas he hym stryþe to stryke
& frounses boþe lyppe & browe,
No meruayle þaȝ hym myslyke
Þat hoped of no rescowe.


He lyftes lyȝtly his lome & let hit doun fayre
With þe barbe of þe bitte biþe bare nek;
Þaȝ he homered heterly, hurt hym no more
Bot snyrt hym on þat on syde, þat seuered þe hyde;
Þe scharp schrank to þe flesche þurȝ þe schyre grece,
Þat þe schene blod ouer his schulderes schot to þe erþe.
& quen þe burne seȝ þe blode blenk on þe snawe,
He sprit forth spenne-fote more þen a spere lenþe,
Hent heterly his helme & on his hed cast,
Schot with his schuldereȝ his fayre schelde vnder,
Braydeȝ out a bryȝt sworde, & bremely he spekeȝ,—


Neuer syn þat he watȝ burne borne of his moder,
Watȝ he neuer in þis worlde wyȝe half so blyþe—
‘Blynne, burne, of þy bur, bede me no mo;
I haf a stroke in þis sted with-oute stryf hent,
& if þow recheȝ me any mo, I redyly schal quyte
& ȝelde ȝederly aȝayn, & þer-to ȝe tryst,
& foo;
Bot on stroke here me falleȝ,
Þe couenaunt schop ryȝt so,
[Fettled] in Arþureȝ halleȝ,
& þer-fore, hende, now hoo!’


The haþel heldet hym fro & on his ax rested,
Sette þe schaft vpon schore & to þe scharp lened
& loked to þe leude þat on þe launde ȝede,
How þat doȝty dredles deruely þer stondeȝ,
Armed ful aȝleȝ; in hert hit hym lykeȝ.
Þenn he meleȝ muryly wyth a much steuen,
& wyth a ry[n]kande rurde he to þe renk sayde,
‘Bolde burne, on þis bent be not so gryndel;
No mon here vn-manerly þe mys-boden habbe[ȝ],
Ne kyd bot as couenaunde at kyngeȝ kort schaped.
I hyȝt þe a strok & þou hit hatȝ, halde þe wel payed,
I relece þe of þe remnaunt of ryȝtes alle oþer;
Ȝif I deliuer had bene, a boffet, paraunter,
I couþe wroþeloker haf waret, to þe haf wroȝt anger.
Fyrst I mansed þe muryly with a mynt one,
& roue þe wyth no rof-sore, with ryȝt I þe profered
For þe forwarde þat we fest in þe fyrst nyȝt;


& þou trystyly þe trawþe & trwly me haldeȝ,
Al þe gayne þow me gef, as god mon schulde.
Þat oþer munt for þe morne, mon, I þe profered;
Þou kyssedes my clere wyf, þe cosseȝ me raȝteȝ;
For boþe two here I þe bede bot two bare myntes
boute scaþe;
Trwe mon trwe restore,
Þenne þar mon drede no waþe;
At þe þrid þou fayled þore,
& þer-for þat tappe ta þe.


For hit is my wede þat þou wereȝ, þat ilke wouen girdel;
Myn owen wyf hit þe weued, I wot wel forsoþe;
Now know I wel þy cosses & þy costes als
& þe wowyng of my wyf,—I wroȝt hit myseluen.
I sende hir to asay þe, & sothly me þynkkeȝ,
On þe fautlest freke þat euer on fote ȝede;
As perle bi þe quite pese is of prys more,
So is Gawayn, in god fayth, bi oþer gay knyȝteȝ.
Bot here yow lakked a lyttel, sir, & lewte yow wonted,
Bot þat watȝ for no wylyde werke, ne wowyng nauþer;
Bot for ȝe lufed your lyf, þe lasse I yow blame.’
Þat oþer stif mon in study stod a gret whyle;
So agreued for greme, he gryed with-inne,
Alle þe blode of his brest blende in his face,
Þat al he schrank for schome þat þe schalk talked.
Þe forme worde vpon folde þat þe freke meled,—
‘Corsed worth cowarddyse & couetyse boþe!
In yow is vylany & vyse þat vertue disstryeȝ.’
Þenne he kaȝt to þe knot & þe kest lawseȝ,


Brayde broþely þe belt to þe burne seluen:
‘Lo! þer þe falssyng, foule mot hit falle!
For care of þy knokke cowardyse me taȝt
To a-corde me with couetyse, my kynde to forsake,
Þat is larges & lewte þat longeȝ to knyȝteȝ.
Now am I fawty & falce, & ferde haf ben euer;
Of trecherye & vn-trawþe boþe bityde sorȝe
& care!
I bi-knowe yow, knyȝt, here stylle,
Al fawty is my fare,
Leteȝ me ouer-take your wylle,
& efte I schal be ware.’


Thenn loȝe þat oþer leude, & luflyly sayde,
‘I halde hit hardily hole, þe harme þat I hade;
Þou art confessed so clene, be-knowen of þy mysses,
& hatȝ þe penaunce apert of þe poynt of myn egge,
I halde þe polysed of þat plyȝt & pured as clene
As þou hadeȝ neuer forfeted syþen þou watȝ fyrst borne.
& I gif þe, sir, þe gurdel þat is golde-hemmed;
For hit is grene as my goune, sir G[awayn], ȝe maye
Þenk vpon þis like þrepe þer þou forth þryngeȝ
Among prynces of prys, & þis a pure token
Of þe chaunce of þe grene chapel, at cheualrous knyȝteȝ.
& ȝe schal in þis nwe ȝer aȝayn to my woneȝ,
& we schyn reuel þe remnaunt of þis ryche fest
ful bene.’


Þer laþed hym fast þe lorde,
& sayde, ‘with my wyf, I wene,
We schal yow wel acorde,
Þat watȝ your enmy kene.’


‘Nay, for-soþe,’ quoþ þe segge, & sesed hys helme
& hatȝ hit of hendely & þe haþel þonkkeȝ,
‘I haf soiorned sadly, sele yow bytyde,
& he ȝelde hit yow ȝare þat ȝarkkeȝ al menskes!
& comaundeȝ me to þat cortays, your comlych fere,
Boþe þat on & þat oþer, myn honoured ladyeȝ,
Þat þus hor knyȝt wyth hor kest han koyntly bigyled.
Bot hit is no ferly þaȝ a fole madde
& þurȝ wyles of wymmen be wonen to sorȝe;
For so watȝ Adam in erde with one bygyled,
& Salamon with fele sere, & Samson eft-soneȝ,
Dalyda dalt hym hys wyrde, & Dauyth þer-after
Watȝ blended with Barsabe, þat much bale þoled.
Now þese were wrathed wyth her wyles, hit were a wynne huge
To luf hom wel & leue hem not, a leude þat couþe,
For þes wer forne þe freest, þat folȝed alle þe sele
Ex-ellently of alle þyse oþer vnder heuen-ryche
þat mused;
& alle þay were bi-wyled
With wymmen þat þay vsed,
Þaȝ I be now bigyled,
Me þink me burde be excused.’



‘Bot your gordel,’ quoþ G[awayn] ‘God yow for-ȝelde!
Þat wyl I welde wyth guod wylle, not for þe wynne golde
Ne þe saynt ne þe sylk ne þe syde pendaundes,
For wele ne for worchyp ne for þe wlonk werkkeȝ;
Bot in syngne of my surfet I schal se hit ofte
When I ride in renoun, remorde to myseluen
Þe faut & þe fayntyse of þe flesche crabbed,
How tender hit is to entyse teches of fylþe;
& þus quen pryde schal me pryk for prowes of armes,
Þe loke to þis luf-lace schal leþe my hert.
Bot on I wolde yow pray, displeses yow neuer:
Syn ȝe be lorde of þe ȝonder londe þer I haf lent inne,
Wyth yow wyth worschyp,—þe wyȝe hit yow ȝelde
Þat vp-haldeȝ þe heuen & on hyȝ sitteȝ,—
How norne ȝe yowre ryȝt nome, & þenne no more?’
‘Þat schal I telle þe trwly,’ quoþ þat oþer þenne,
‘Bertilak de Hautdesert I hat in þis londe,
[þat þus am aȝlych of hwe & al ouer brawden]
Þurȝ myȝt of Morgne la Faye, þat in my hous lenges,
& koyntyse of clergye, bi craftes wel lerned;
Þe maystres of Merlyn, mony ho [hatȝ] taken;
For ho hatȝ dalt drwry ful dere sum tyme
With þat conable klerk, þat knowes alle your knyȝteȝ
at hame;


Morgne þe goddes,
Þer-fore hit is hir name;
Weldeȝ non so hyȝe hawtesse
Þat ho ne con make ful tame.


Ho wayned me vpon þis wyse to your wynne halle,
For to assay þe surquidre, ȝif hit soth were,
Þat rennes of þe grete renoun of þe Rounde Table;
Ho wayued me þis wonder, your wytteȝ to reue,
For to haf greued Gaynour & gart hir to dyȝe
With g[l]opnyng of þat ilke gomen þat gostlych speked
With his hede in his honde bifore þe hyȝe table.
Þat is ho þat is at home, þe auncian lady;
Ho is euen þyn aunt, Arþureȝ half-suster,
Þe duches doȝter of Tyntagelle, þat dere Vter after
Hade Arþur vpon, þat aþel is nowþe.
Þerfore I eþe þe, haþel, to com to þy naunt,
Make myry in my hous, my meny þe louies,
& I wol þe as wel, wyȝe, bi my faythe,
As any gome vnder God, for þy grete trauþe.’
& he nikked hym naye, he nolde bi no wayes;
Þay acolen & kyssen, [bikennen] ayþer oþer
To þe prynce of paradise, & parten ryȝt þere
on coolde;
Gawayn on blonk ful bene
To þe kyngeȝ burȝ buskeȝ bolde,
& þe knyȝt in þe enker grene
Whider-warde-so-euer he wolde.



Wylde wayeȝ in þe worlde Wowen now rydeȝ
On Gryngolet, þat þe grace hade geten of his lyue;
Ofte he herbered in house & ofte al þeroute,
& mony a venture in vale [he] venquyst ofte
Þat I ne tyȝt at þis tyme in tale to remene.
Þe hurt watȝ hole þat he hade hent in his nek,
& þe blykkande belt he bere þeraboute,
A-belef as a bauderyk, bounden bi his syde,
Loken vnder his lyfte arme, þe lace, with a knot,
In tokenyng he watȝ tane in tech of a faute;
& þus he commes to þe court, knyȝt al in sounde.
Þer wakned wele in þat wone when wyst þe grete
Þat gode G[awayn] watȝ commen, gayn hit hym þoȝt;
Þe kyng kysseȝ þe knyȝt, & þe whene alce,
& syþen mony syker knyȝt þat soȝt hym to haylce,
Of his fare þat hym frayned, & ferlyly he telles,
Biknoweȝ alle þe costes of care þat he hade,—
Þe chaunce of þe chapel, þe chere of þe knyȝt,
Þe luf of þe ladi, þe lace at þe last.
Þe nirt in þe nek he naked hem schewed,
Þat he laȝt for his vnleute at þe leudes hondes
for blame;
He tened quen he schulde telle,
He groned for gref & grame;
Þe blod in his face con melle
When he hit schulde schewe, for schame.


‘Lo! lorde,’ quoþ þe leude, & þe lace hondeled,
“Þis is þe bende of þis blame I bere [on] my nek,


Þis is þe laþe & þe losse þat I laȝt haue
Of couardise & couetyse þat I haf caȝt þare;
Þis is þe token of vn-trawþe þat I am tan inne,
& I mot nedeȝ hit were wyle I may last;
For non may hyden his harme bot vnhap ne may hit,
For þer hit oneȝ is tachched, twynne wil hit neuer.’
Þe kyng comforteȝ þe knyȝt, & alle þe court als,
Laȝen loude þer-at, & luflyly acorden
Þat lordes & ladis þat longed to þe Table,
Vche burne of þe broþer-hede a bauderyk schulde haue,
A bende a-belef hym aboute, of a bryȝt grene,
& þat, for sake of þat segge, in swete to were.
For þat watȝ acorded þe renoun of þe Rounde Table,
& he honoured þat hit hade, euer-more after,
As hit is breued in þe best boke of romaunce.
Þus in Arthurus day þis aunter bitidde,
Þe Brutus bokeȝ þer-of beres wyttenesse;
Syþen Brutus, þe bolde burne, boȝed hider fyrst,
After þe segge & þe asaute watȝ sesed at Troye,
Mony auntereȝ here-bi-forne
Haf fallen suche er þis;
Now þat bere þe croun of þorne,
He bryng vs to his blysse!