University of Virginia Library

The first Psalme.

O thrice happy the man, that lends noe eare to the counsail
Of soule-sick sinners; nor frames his feete to the footestepps
Of backsliding guydes: nor sets him downe with a scorner
In the maligning chayre, that makes but a mock of Olympus.
But to the liuing Lords edicts himself he referreth,
And therein pleasures and treasures only reposeth:
Night and day by the same his footesteps duly directing,
Day and night by the same, hart, mynde, soule, purely preparing.
This man's like to a tree, to a tree most happily planted
Hard by a brooke, by a brooke whose streames of siluer abounding
Make this tree her fruite, her pleasant fruite to be yeelding,
Yeelding fruite in tyme to the planters dayly reioycing.
This tree's rooted deepe, her bowes are cherefuly springing,
Her fruite neuer fades, her leaues looke liuely for euer:
This man's setled sure, his thoughts, woords, dayly proceedings
Happy beginnings haue, and haue as fortunat endings.
Sinners are not soe; they and theyrs all in a moment,
All in a moment passe past hope, grace, mercy, recou'ry,
As weight-wanting chaffe that scattreth in euery corner,
Whyrled away fro the earth, hence, thence, by a blast, by a wyndepuffe.
Woe to the scorner then, whose soule wil quake to be iudged,
Quake, when it heares that doome by the Iudg almighty pronounced.
Woe to the sinner then, noe setled sinner aproacheth
Neare to the sinles Saincts, where ioy and glory aboundeth.
For, the triumphant God doth stil looke downe to the godly,
Their wayes well knowing, and them with mercy protecting:
But the reuenging Lord hath threatned a plague to the godles,
And theyr wayes shal away, and they themselues be a wayling.