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St. Patrick's Purgatory

Two versions of Owayne Miles and The Vision of William of Stranton: Together with the long text of the Tractatus de Purgatorio Sancti Patricii

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Seynt Patryke lette make ryght well
A dore bow[n]den wyth iren and stele;
Lokke and key he made þerto,
That no mon shulde þe dore vndo.
The key he betoke þe pryour
And badde hym lokke hyt as tresour,
And euur close þe entre so,
That no man myȝth þeryn go,
But ȝyf hyt were þorow þe assente
Of þe pryour and þe couente;
Of þe bysschop he moste haue a lettur,
Elles hym were neuur þe better.
Ȝet ys þat stede called yn memorye
Seynt Patrykus Purgatorye.
In hys tyme some were þeryn,
To haue forȝeuenesse of her synne,
That come aȝeyn on þe morow;
I wote, þey tolde of mykell sorow,
Of peynus, þat þey syȝ þoo,
And of mykyll joye also.
What þey sen þer as þey wente yn,
Forsoþe, hy[t] was yn book wryten.
Some wente yn þat bolde wore,
But out come þey neuurmore.