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A booke of ayres VVith a Triplicitie of Mvsicke

whereof the first Part is for the Lute or Orpharion and the Viole de Gambo, and 4. Partes to sing, The second part is for 2. Trebles to sing to the Lute and Viole, the third part is for the Lute and one Voyce, and the Viole de Gambo. Composed by Iohn Bartlet

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[Who doth behold my mistres face]


Who doth behold my mistres face
And seeth not good hap hath he
Who hears her speake & marks her grace
Shal think none euer spake but she
In short for to resound her praise
She is the fayrest the fayrest of her dayes.


VVho knowes her wit and not admires:
shal show himselfe deuoide of skil,
Her vertues kindle strange desires,
In those that thinke vpon her stil.
In short &c.


Her red is like vnto the rose,
VVhen from a bud vnto the sunne,
Her tender leaues she doth disclose,
The first degree of ripenes wonne,
In short, &c.


And with her red mixt is a white,
Like to that same of faire moone shine,
That doth vpon the water light,
And makes the colour seeme deuine.
In short &c.