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Serued out in 52. seuerall Dishes for euery man to tast without surfeting. By I. C. Gent [i.e. John Cooke]

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[What Gallant's this atir'd all in blacke]

What Gallant's this atir'd all in blacke,
It is no Courtier sure, not what do you lacke,
Some ordinary Gallant ten to one,
That liueth idly here about the Towne,
What is it he, I know him tis a Gull,
Thats conicatcht by euery scuruy trull,
His father's lately dead and he is heire,
Of large possessions and reuenues faire,
I haue heard some say, great Lordships to him fall,
Yet this I am sure his maners are but small.