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Andromeda Liberata

Or the Nvptials of Persevs and Andromeda. By George Chapman

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Away , vngodly Vulgars, far away,
Flie ye prophane, that dare not view the day,
Nor speake to men but shadowes, nor would heare
Of any newes, but what seditious were,
Hatefull and harmefull euer to the best,
Whispering their scandals, glorifying the rest,
Jmpious, and yet gainst all ills but your owne,
The hotest sweaters of religion.
Whose poysons all things to your spleenes peruert,
And all streames measure by the Fount your heart,
That are in nought but misrule regulare,
To whose eyes all seeme ill, but those that are,

That hate yee know not why, nor with more cause,
Giue whom yee most loue your prophane applause,
That when Kings and their Peeres (whose piercing eies
Broke through their broken sleepes and policies,
Mens inmost Cabinets disclose and hearts;
Whose hands Ioues ballance (weighing all desarts)
Haue let downe to them; which graue conscience,
Charg'd with the blood and soule of Jnnocence.
Holds with her white hand, (when her either skole,
Apt to be sway'd with euery graine of Soule,
Her selfe swaies vp or downe, to heauen or hell,
Approue an action) you must yet conceale,
A deeper insight, and retaine a taint
To cast vpon the pure soule of a Saint.