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Viz. Fiue Diuine and Morall Meditations, of 1. Frugalitie. 2. Prouidence. 3. Diligence. 4. Labour and Care. 5. Death [by Robert Aylett]

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Meditation 2. Of Prouidence.


Meditation 2. Of Prouidence.

Behold! how Birds for morrow take no care;
Secure, God will due food for them prepare:
Can woorthlesse Birds be confident of meate?
And is a farthing-Sparrowes Faith so great,
She knowes, but by Gods will, she cannot fall?
And shall Gods sonnes, Christs images, once call
In doubt their Makers will, to do then good?
No sure: who lends them life, will giue them food.
The frugall Husband, which I erst describ'd,
So soone as Titan with his glistring Beames,
Begilds the locks of stately Pines, which hide
The tops of Mountaines from his hotter gleames;
Walkes foorth amongst his cattell, flocks & teames,
His Land to open to Sunnes mellowing heate,
And feed his Herds along the siluer streames,
To drinke and bathe, when they their fil haue eate,
That fat they him may feed, that now prouides them meate.
Thus early rising, as the Prouerbe sayes,
Brings Thrift in body, in estate, and mind;
The early riser spends in health his dayes,
And by his diligence doth plenty find;
And in the morning better is inclin'd
To Prayer, and diuinest Meditation:
Thus, in a three-fold Cord, he Thrift doth wind;
He driueth Slouth farre from his habitation,
His Soule in Grace, his Body thriues by recreation.


For these respects the Husbands country life
Transcends the Citie trades mechanicall,
Or showes at Court, where reigne Ambition strife,
Or Merchants which on hazzard stand or fall:
For though Thrift in estate these oft befall;
And Thrift in Grace, in many there we finde,
Yet scarce a strong sound Body 'mongst them all,
They want pure aire whereby the bloud's refinde
And wholesome exercise to country life assign'd.
Well as I could, I rich Frugality
Did late, as her beseemed well, array:
I next describe foure of her company,
Which alwayes with this thrifty vertue stay:
The first two well I name the daughters may
Of Prudence, Prouidence, and Diligence,
Next two themselues from Temperance conuay,
Thrifts Sisters, Abstinence and Continence:
Of these foure I would sing, and first of Prouidence.
Oh! thou by whose most pow'rfull onely Word,
All was of nothing made and finished,
And of this All, mad'st man the little Lord,
That by him All might well be ordered:
Who hayers of our head hast numbred,
Nor lettest the least Sparrow fall to ground,
But as thou hast before determined,
Make heauenly Wisedome in mine heart abound,
That I may wade, not drowne, in Prouidence profound.
There is Diuine and humane Prouidence,
Diuine is infinite, vnlimited
Transcending Reason, more than Reason Sense,
And may to glorious Sunne be likened:
The Stars who thence their light haue borrowed,
Doth humane Prouidence resemble right,
Which by diuine is aye enlightened,
And though like Starres it oft appeareth bright,
Yet when the heau'nly shines, it is obscured quite.


Then pardon, Reader, if my Muses eye
Dazeled with glory great, and splendour bright
Of Prouidence diuine, heere to descry
Vnable is the darke obscured light
Of humane; as indeed I ought by right:
When I come to her Sister Diligence,
I may recouer well againe my sight,
My Muse now rapt with heau'nly Prouidence
Can not descend to highest humane excellence.
But that I may describe her as a Grace,
And linke her in the vertues golden Chaine,
Ther th' Almighties Scepter call or Mace
Which doth all Peace and Order heere maintaine:
The bounteous hand, which al things doth sustaine,
Whose eyes for nourishment vp to her looke,
Who iust's rewards, and eke the wickeds Paine
Doth register for euer in a booke:
Thus, as Gods Truth and Loue, she fer a grace is tooke.
Thus one eternall powrefull Prouidence
Heere gouernes all things being by Creation:
The necessary Age is, wanting sense,
Receiue their motion by her ordination:
The voluntary by her moderation
Are aye dispos'd, and rul'd by their owne will,
Which will she vseth as a Mediation;
No man against his will doth good or ill,
Though without Grace we of our selues no good can will.
Sure Adam in pure innocence was free
To eate the fruit forbidden, or abstaine:
Else iustly how could he condemned be,
Except he had a power to refraine?
But since that guilt originali did staine,
With him, all imps which from that stock proceed,
We still retaine freewill, none dares gainesaine,
But it is onely vnto euill deed,
Grace onely by New birth a will to good doth breed.


Schooles may dispute; the Truth is plainely this:
As we are men, we power haue to will,
As men corrupt, we alwayes will amisse,
As borne againe, to good we haue a will.
Thus Nature Freewill giues, Sinne bends to ill;
Grace vnto Good: But now I seeme to stray
From Prouidence diuine, to mans freewill,
But this as needfull shew I by the way,
How Prouidence doth voluntary agents sway.
Her Nature yet more plaine to vnderstand,
We must conceiue the worlds great Marischall,
As he made all things by his mighty hand,
So he for euer them disposeth all
By Prouidence; not onely generall,
By which the Spheres in their due motions ride,
And Summer and the winter seasons fall,
But as he by his speciall doth guide
And orders euery thing, that doth on earth betide.
And this we call diuine Necessitie,
Free from Coaction, which doth all dispose
To proper ends, yet with free liberty
Of Will, the things we doe to leaue or choose:
Thus in respect of God, that future knowes
As present, all effects are necessary,
And, in respect of second causes those,
To vs contingent are: Last voluntary,
As they respect mans will, and motion arbitrary.
God wonders sees in Moses weeping face,
When Pharao's Daughter him in Arke doth finde,
As she by chance, did wash her in that place,
And's mother for his nurse, by chance assign'd;
And when to leaue the Court hee was inclin'd,
His Brethrens cruell bondages to see,
He went forth with a free and willing mind;
Lo thus in this example all the three,
Diuine foresight, man's will, and Chance in one agree:


And therefore when of Fortune you do reade,
With reference to man it vnderstand,
Who most to the euent of things take heed,
Not to the Cause, Gods most Almighty hand:
Else Chance and Prouidence can neuer stand
Together in th' Almighties gouernment;
Who being Cause of all he doth command,
Them orders all vnto a sure euent,
Though farre aboue mans limited intendement.
Of things indeed which seeme by chance to be,
The Order, Cause, Necessity and end
Are hid, in Gods close Counsell and Decree:
We onely able are to apprehend
By the euent, how God doth them intend:
Thus Clerk's a threefold working doe obserue
Of Prouidence; which far their reach transcend,
And yet they all to one same end doe serue,
To shew Gods glory, and his creatures to preserue.
Thus meanes and second causes she doth vse,
Oft workes without, by power immediate,
And oft to worke against meanes she doth chuse:
Two last men call Necessity or Fate,
Because the Cause they can not calculate:
(Oh richest Wisedome, Knowledge without bound
Of the Almighty! without time, or Date,
Thy Iudgements no man able is to sound,
Beyond all mens conceit, thy counsels are profound.)
Like this is that Philosophers assigne
To Counsell, Nature, Chance and Prouidence;
By Counsell, they meant Will and Reasons line;
By Nature, force of heau'nly influence;
By Chance, when they below beheld euents,
But not their Cause: Last when some Grace did fall
Past Natures, Chance, and Counsels euidence,
That Speciall Prouidence diuine they call,
Not but they vnderstood she had her hand in all.


Sweet fruit of Prouidence to be perswaded,
That all below is ordered by Gods hand,
Nothing by Chance: Thus when we are inuaded
By Foes, Death, Hell, we most vndanted stand:
We, God prime cause of all things vnderstand,
Respecting yet inferiour in their place,
Which alwayes wait vpon the first's command,
And all are to the glory of his grace,
Whereby God his elect doth aye in loue embrace.
Oh what inestimable quietnesse!
From hence ariseth to a godly minde,
Though euils without number him oppresse,
Which like so many Deaths he then doth finde,
Knowing not how his wretched selfe to winde
From Cruelty, which him fast followeth,
And doth so fast with cords and fetters binde,
That eu'ry minute threateneth his Death;
And scarcely suffers him to draw his languid breath.
Yet if this Light of heau'nly Prouidence
Shines to his Soule; then all Anxiety,
Feare, Care, Distrust, are banisht quite frō thence,
And he releeu'd in all extremity:
Then knowes he that one gracious Maiesty,
Heere by his power so directeth all,
By wisedome rules, and by his Bonity
Disposeth so, that nothing euer shall,
But for Gods glory and his owne good him befall.
To fleshes obloquy, some giuing way,
Confesse the highest Powers gouerne all,
But that with mortals heere they vse to play,
As we at hazzard tosse a Tennis-ball:
Some all would haue by Chance and Fortune fall;
Some others grant that God doth all incline,
But that mans wit, and will must worke withall,
These men with God in gouernment, doe ioyne
And his most constant purpose to mans will confine.


Some, to excuse God, grant that Power diuine
Permitteth euill, but not with his will,
And suffreth Satan heere to blind the eyne
Of Reprobates; but no wayes ill doth will,
But sure God willingly permitteth ill,
Since by his power he goodnesse able is,
To draw from ill, his purpose to fulfill;
For thus did Pharaoh wilfully amisse,
Yet God turnes all to's glory, and his chosens blisse.
As Sunnes pure beames exhale from filthy Oose
Foule vapours, which no whit the Sunne defile,
So doth Gods Prouidence of ill dispose,
Yet of no euill he partakes the while:
And as not in Sunnes Beames, but in the soyle,
The matter of the vapour doth consist,
So in mans heart is Bitternesse and bile,
And not in God, who euill doth resist,
Or turnes such euill into Goodnesse, as he list.
Thus Kings, Priests, Rulers, Elders all combin'd
Against the Lord, and his anointed Sonne:
And Pilate, Herod, Iewes and Gentiles ioynd,
To doe what God decreed to be done:
But they ment wickedly eu'n euery one,
The people a vaine thing imagined,
To crucifie the Lord of Life they runne,
But God, we see, thereby hath quickened
The members all, whereof he is the glorious head.
As when we see faire Phœbus gentle beames,
Vnited in a burning glasse, enflame,
We vse not to accuse Sunnes gracious gleames,
For such offence, but Burning glasse doe blame,
Wherin, without the Sunne,'s nor heat nor flame.
So when we see the wicked man abuse
The fairest gifts of Nature to his shame;
The Author of them we must not accuse,
But wilfull man, that doth them heere vnduly vse.


Good, Powerfull, Wise, Disposer of all things!
So wise thou all Disorders ordrest right,
So good thy Goodnes good from euill brings,
So pow'rfull all subsist vpon thy might:
How should an ignorant, weake, wicked wight,
Conceiue thy Wisedome, Power, and Prouidence?
Much lesse by Simile it more inlight,
It farre surpasseth mine intelligence:
Things knowne I doe admire, the rest I reuerence.
But I by Prouidence diuine am led
To passe the bounds of frugall meditation:
Pardon, great Clarkes, that I haue meddled
To taste a mysterie, by Contemplation,
Worthy your argument, and disputation:
I was desirous to resolue my minde
In this high point of heau'nly moderation,
Wherein most wondrous comfort I doe find,
To see how things on earth are first in heau'n design'd.
Who can suppose this world so perfect, rare,
Not gouern'd by one pow'rfull prouidence?
Since all which without moderatours are,
Consisting of the foure first elements,
Can not continue; Houses, Tenements,
Without a tenant, ruine and decay:
Vnpruned Vines doe loose their excellence,
Mans Body failes, when soule doth passe away;
So would this Vniuerse, should God forbeare a day.
As members of a man aright do moue
First by his vnderstanding and his will,
So doth this Vniuerse by God aboue,
And all concord his pleasure to fulfill:
Who duely wait on Prouidence, he will
Make happy heere, and blessed euermore:
Not that he doth the carelesse idle fill
With blessings temporall, or heau'nly store.
Who will not row on Sea, shall neuer come a-shore.


It is a dangerous and impious thing,
Thus to dispute with Prouidence diuine,
Mine arme nor good, nor bad, to passe can bring,
All's done by the Almighties firme designe:
The written Word must be our square and line,
Gods secret purpose, and reuealed Will
Confound not by a vaine conceit of thine:
Thus Theeues may, blamelesse, true men rob and kill,
And say they but Gods secret purposes fulfill.
For Prouidence doth not vs mortals tend,
As mothers infants newly brought to light,
Which haue no strength themselues then to defend
'Gainst ayers iniuries, or forreine might:
But as the Father that his Sonne hath dight
With strength, and weapons 'gainst his enemies,
Directeth him to order them aright,
And to defend himselfe from iniuries,
Religion neuer negligent and idle lyes.
They that are godly and religious,
With Prouidence sweet Diligence do ioyne,
God that without our selues hath fashion'd vs,
Without thy selfe saues neither thee nor thine:
And therefore prudent men prouide in time,
Against all future want that happen may;
When therefore we for morrow do designe
Things necessary; none can iustly say,
Or iudge vs too much carefull, for the following day.
The Lord of all did needfull things prouide,
Therefore the bagge false Iudas carried,
The Loaues and Fishes which he did diuide
Amongst fiue thousand which him followed,
Th' Apostles carri'd for their dayly bread:
Paul temp'rall Almes prouideth for his Nation,
Where he the spirituall had published:
Ioseph from Nile comes to make preparation,
To saue aliue old Iacob and his generation.


Of these learne to prouide things necessary:
Of Beasts to shunne and to auoid all ill;
Who neere things hurtfull to them do not tarry,
Nor nigh vnto those places trauell will,
Where they into a Ditch haue lately fill;
The Bird escapt, eschewes the Fowlers gin,
Nor will be tempted more with all his skill:
The fish that finds the hooke the bait within,
Thence to prouide against such danger doth begin.
Things past, for future, are sound documents,
He that is wise, the euill doth foresee,
And hides himselfe from many nocuments,
Which can not by the foole auoided be:
Most admirable, vertuous, wise is he,
That things foreseeing wisely can prouide,
Nothing on earth without a cause we see,
Though them the highest Wisdome so doth hide
They can not by our feeble reason be descride.
The World may be compared to a Stage,
We mortals to spectators, they that stay
Without to see her antique equipage;
Doe truely as they ought behold the play:
The curious that about the Stage do stray,
And pry into the secret tyring roome,
Are by Stage-keepers often driu'n away:
All must not into Natures secrets come,
Although she many Mysteries reueale to some.
How dares proud man inquire so curiously
Of Gods hid counsels, and his secret will?
The Bethshemites into the Arke did pry,
And God with sudden vengeance them doth kill.
Prouide thee good things, and auoid the ill,
So maist thou many liue, and happy dayes,
Presume not to be wise aboue thy skill,
By Gods reuealed will guide all thy wayes,
His secret Counsels search not, but admire and praise.


And yet because God all doth here dispose,
Thou like a senslesse Idol must not stand:
God gaue thee not for nought, eares, eyes, hands, nose,
A will to do, a wit to vnderstand:
Employ these alwayes by his iust command,
The whole successe leaue to his Prouidence,
Acknowledge all good blessings from his hand,
And labour, with all care and diligence,
To thriue in Goodnesse, Grace, and all Intelligence.
But aboue all from murmuring refraine,
Or magnifying fleshes arme or might:
So axe may boast, that it along hath laine
The Cedars; and the Plane may claime, as right,
That by it's worke thy roofe so faire was dight:
So may the rod of Moses bragge and boast,
It all the Wonders did in Pharaohs sight:
The Asses Iaw-bone, that it slue an host:
But most the house, when Samson pulled downe the post.
On whom we ought to cast eu'n all our care,
To him we must ascribe the Praise of all:
In his hand both our Soules and Bodies are,
By Power of his Breath we stand and fall:
From him all was, is now, and euer shall:
Of all the things done vnderneath the Sunne,

Eecl. 8. 17

Wiseman sought a reason naturall,

But was as blind, as when he first begunne,
Though first he thought he could discouer any one.
Gods counsels shall for euermore indure,
His thoughts stand firme in eu'ry generation;
Our hearts he fashions, and conceiueth sure,
Our workes and secretest imagination:
Who to the Rau'ns giues food and sustentation,
So gouernes all, they nothing here shall need,
That wait on him with patient expectation:
With temporall and heau'nly he doth feed
All those, that craue aright of him spirituall seed.


In number, measure, weight, he doth dispose
Of all things; He preserues both man and beast:
When care and paines may saue thee from thy foes,
Vse diligence, to God commit the rest:
And when thou art so mightily distrest,
Thou canst no helpe in arme of flesh behold,
Vpon his prouidence that made thee, rest:
That in thy mothers wombe thy members told,
And in his Booke hath eu'ry one of them inrold.
Good counsell gaue that Heathen, Haue a care
Vnto thy selfe; most of thy selfe take heed:
He meant, Lusts and Corruptions which are
Within vs; which to vs most danger breed:
With others we deale warily indeed,
Lest they deceiue vs by their subtilty,
But our owne vile affections little heed,
Although we haue no greater enemy;
Thus we escape Gaths sword, and on our owne do dis.
The Iewes may with their Oratour conspire
Pauls ruine; nothing shall to him befall,
But to aduance his Crowne, and Gospell hier:
So as his bonds in Cæsars Iudgement hall,
Are manifest and famous 'mongst them all:
To the Elect, and those that truly loue,
Nothing but for the best shall euer fall:
This by examples thousand I could proue,
Happy who finds it written in his heart by loue.
The Lyons want and hunger may endure;
Who seekes the Lord, wants nothing that is good,
The Angel of the Lord him keepes secure,
From his owne lusts hels fury, wickeds mood.
This of the weakest may be vnderstood.
If ought here passeth thine intelligence,
Sucke thou the milke, and leaue the stronger food.
Here ends my song of heau'nly Prouidence,
Next, followes her attendant humane Diligence.