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Holy Obseruations

Lib. I. Also Some fewe of Davids Psalmes Metaphrased, for a taste of the rest. By Ios. Hall

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Psal. 2.

Psal. 2.


In the tune of the 125. Psalme; Those that do put their conf.


Why do the Gentils tumults make,

And nations all conspire in vain,


And earthly Princes counsell take

Against their God; against the raigne


Of his deere Christ? let vs, they saine,

Break al their bonds: & from vs shake
Their thraldoms yoke, & seruile chain.


VVhiles thus alas they fondly spake,

He that aloft rides on the skies,
Laughs all their leud deuise to scorne


And when his wrathfull rage shal rise,

With plagues shal make the al forlorne,
And in his fury thus replyes;


But I, my King with sacred horne

Anointing, shall in princely guise
His headwith royall crowne adorne.
Upon my Syons holy mount
His Empires glorious seat shall be.
And I thus rais'd shall farre recount
The tenour of his true decree:


My Son thou art, said God, I thee

Begat this daie by due account:
Thy scepter, do but ask of mee,
All earthly kingdomes shall surmount.


All nations, to thy rightfull sway,

will subiect; from furthest end


Of all the world: and thou shalt bray

Those stubborn foes that wil not bend,
With iron mace (like potters clay)


In pieces small: Ye Kings attend;

And ye, whom others wont obay,
Learne wisedome, and at last amend.


See, ye serue God, with greater dread

Then others you: and in your feare
Reioice the while; and (lowely spred)


Do homage to his sonne so deare:

Least he be wroth, and do you dead


Amids your way. If kindeled

His wrath shalbe; O blessed those,
That do on him their trust repose.