University of Virginia Library



Upon the Apparition of a Starr, and the following Ecclypse.

Was Heav'ne afray'd to be out-done on Earth
When Thou wert borne Great Prince, that it brought forth
Another light to helpe the aged Sunn,
Lest by Thy luster he might be Out-shone?
Or were th' obsequious Starres so ioy'd to view
Thee, that they thought their Countlesse Eyes to few
For such an obiect; and would needes create
A better Influence to attend thy State?
Or would the Fates thereby shew to the Earth
A Cæsars Birth, as once a Cæsars Death?


And was't that newes that made pale Cynthia run
In so great hast to intercept the Sunn;
And enviously, so shee might gaine Thy sight,
Would darken him from whome shee had her light?
Mysterious prodigies yet sure they bee,
Prognosticks of a rare prosperity:
For can thy Life promise lesse good to men,
Whose Birth was th' Envy, and the Care of Heav'ne.