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As he that said to his hart straik ane stound,
Quhill of that place ne farder he micht found
Throw displesour, and greit melancholie.
The dart of deith, him thair gaif sic ane wound,
That suddandlie he fell vnto the ground:
Boyland but buit, vext with aduersitie:
Quhilk to Venus was schawin suddanlie:
That hir trew Knicht with faintnes sa confound
Was strikkin to deith for fault of hir supple.
Sone scho discendis but ony mair delay,
And brocht with hir bot ane ȝoung sempil Ma[y]
In hir chalmer quhilk ay was most secre,
Beheld hir Knicht on the ground quhair h[e lay]
Inquerit the caus, and effect of the fray.
The Saddest said, Madame of veritie
I do not knaw, he fell sa suddanlie.
Bot we allone the time passing with play:
Him this betuke ane suddane extasie.
And so anone his bak alyte he wryit,
To pas away, and Venus that espyit.
Scho said gude Schir, an quhill ȝe may remane


Quhill time this corps be sum better applyit,
With ferce felloun he is rich fair Inuyit,
And that be ȝow, for sa appeiris in plane
Quhairfoir ȝe sall incur my greit disdane
Madame said he faith planelie I deny it:
Wald he reuiue, Lord, than bot I war fane.
Anone Venus that Ladye fair and bricht,
In armes swith scho claucht hir awin trew knicht
Confortit him with kiss ane thousand syis
With voce cryand, with all hir mane & micht.
Awalk, awalk, awalk, thow wofull wicht:
This is Venus, that sa oft on the cryis.
Schaw me the caus quhairfoir deid heir thow lyis?
Gif ony man hes done to the vnricht,
In word or deid, schawing ony dispryis.
Als sone as he the voce hard of Venus,
Vnto his hart he thocht it sa Ioyous:
He conuallessit within ane littill space,
Quhair he befoir was melancholious,
[Wod, ire]full, angrie, and rigerous.
[Inc]ontinent fra that he saw hir face
[He w]as alterit sone fra that tenefull trace:
[And grew m]or wantoun, with luikis amorous.
Ȝit for faintnes, and noy was at his hart:
The quhile befoir fra time he did reuert.
The sweit trikillis doun ouir his face thay ran
Sayand Madame, I pray ȝour Grace aduert:
I soll ȝow schaw the caus of all my smart.
Quhy, and quhairfoir, and how it first began:
In argument, I and that gentill man.
Fell heir on case becaus I tuik ȝour part:
First he ȝour grace did lichtlie, and me than.


Sayand thir wordis quhilk war Iniurious:
That lufe was faint, baith fals and friuolous,
Abhominable, and all sawin with desait:
Mixt with malice, and verray malitious:
Wod, vane, na worth, wantoun and vicious:
Vennemous, anterous, and dissimulat:
Fraudfull, faithles, fra all gude alterat.
Thus and siclike with rank voice rigorous
He did proclame, Madame mak ȝe debait.
Scho said agane, it is Equiualent
To all ressoun, and als correspondent,
That thy mater suirlie I tak on hand:
Sen for my saik thow art heir schamelie schent
Ȝit I beleue als euill is subsequent
To thame in baill sa bitterlie the band:
Ioys I my life & bruik rowmes in this land:
Thay sall haif caus far mair for to lament,
That thus in sturt sa faint the causis stand.
Als scho that said withoutin circumst[ance]
With vengeabil vult, laik and gude [countenance]
In till hir hand she tuik of siluer quhite
Ane nobill horne, quhilk all the garth gart glance
And blew thairon with sic continuance,
Quhill at the last seir Nimphis of delite
Discendit sone to hir presence perfite.
Inclinand law with humbill countenance,
Weill preparit as thair vse was and rite.
Sayand Madame, with all obedience,
Heir we be cum to ȝour Magnificence,
In ȝour seruice ardent, and reddie boun,
To do ȝour grace plesour and reuerence.
Aganis quhome, or quha that dois offence


In that behalf concerning ȝour hie croun,
Of quhat degre, stait or conditioun
Thay may be found, with all Instant defence
We condiscend all heir in vnioun.
Than said Venus that lustie nobill Quene:
Lufesum Ladyis most secreit, and serene,
Of my counsell elect, and elegant:
This is the case I haif to ȝow to mene,
Quhilk in ane part to ȝow als dois pertene,
As to my self, thocht I be mair vibrant.
[Thair is] ane squier ane wod extrauagant,
[Quhilk] in my Court was sendill hard, or sene,
Nor in na sort thairof perticipant:
[Quha did] reheirs ane certane nyse Sermonis,
[With argu]mentis, and diuers questionis
[Of me con]trair, and of ȝow Ladyis all:
[Declairand] thus be seir opinionis
That lufe is foundit all of detractionis,
Man to desaif with foull lust mundiall,
And is the way of the stait Infernall.
This and siclik with diuers Infectionis,
He diuulgatis as Iuge Imperiall.
And not the les the great blasphematioun
New perpetrait vnto my michtie Croun,
Now recentlie Esperance our trew Knicht
He is neir put to finall distructioun,
With greit Iniuris, and sair forthocht felloun,
That neir the deith all maist he hes him dicht.
Caus our mater he tuik to hald in richt.
Think ȝe not this ane greit contemptioun?
This case Ladyis I refer to ȝour licht,


Quhen thay all hard Venus enarratiue,
Thay wald not gif ane sentence sone beliue.
To counsall ȝeid with ane aduisement,
Ponderat weill the falt superlatiue:
And deput ane to gif diffinitiue
Answer agane with all thair haill consent.
Quhilk Lady hecht Themis in verament.
Greit Aduocat with power possessiue
Maid be thame all to furthschaw thair intent.
On humill ways, and richt greit reuerence,
Scho said Madame, this is ane greit offence
Done to ȝour grace, and vs Ladyis ilk ane
Howbeit sa be to expell negligence,
My sisters sayis thay can not gif senten[ce]
Sa breuiatlie, bot an ȝe plese refrane
Ȝour present will, and sumthing be constrane
Be thair aduise mixt with perfite prudence
To mend the crime thai will wirk all thair mane.
Thair counsal is Madame, & plesit ȝour grace,
To set ane Court in leissum time and place.
Call the faltour, of his crime him accuse.
Gif he denyis, and grantis nocht the trespas,
To ane assyse it man ga with proces
For with resson ȝe can nocht this refuse.
And ȝe man do as vther Iugis dois
Nocht pretendand na puir man to oppres.
This thay respond, the falt nocht to excuis.
Than said Venus, Madame, that is bot skill,
To thair counsall hartlie applie I will.
Ane vther Nimph, the quhilk Nemesis hecht,
Without tarie sone scho did call hir till:
Quhilk was schiref sic Actis to fulfill.


Bad hir beliue pas to ȝone waryit wicht
Hecht Desperance, and for the greit vnricht
First done to me with peruerst mind and will
Secundlie done to Esperance my Knicht:
And to my sisteris, and Ladyis curiall,
With certane vther actionis criminall:
Charge him compeir befoir my Maiestie,
[I]n hour of caus sittand in Tribunall:
Or my deputis quhat thay be greit or small.
[To] heir him self accusit of crueltie.
[Vnd]er all pane that layit thairon may be:
[With] exceptionis, and causis defensall.
(Gif he sic hes) that may himself supple.
Inclining law but mair this Nimph anone,
Heiring the charge that Venus did propone:
Scho said, Madame, withouttin tariment
It salbe done: and sa furth is scho gone,
To desperance, quhair he stuid him allone.
Saluted him with gretingis condecent.
And he to hir with hauingis reuerent.
And scho in hand ane letter had quhairon:
Hir charge scho red, quhais tennour is sequent.