University of Virginia Library

Of Settyng' and Sowyng' of Sedys.

Yn the day of Seynt Valentyne
Thu schalt sowe this sedys yn tyme
For they beþ herbys vn-meke
Þu schalt ham set & sow eke


They þt beþ stronge and nouȝt meke
The names of hem ys garlek & leke
Oynet þu schalt sow then
Other þer after sone A-pon
To set oynyns to make the sede
Y wul the tel for my mede
Yn auerell oþer yn mars as y haue y-fownde
To set other to sowe hem yn the grownde
When they bygynnyth to grow hye
Lete none of ham towche other' nye
Vnder hem than put þu schall
That none of hem downe nouȝt fall
Yf þu wyl that hy the
Forkys y made of asche-tre
To haue ham saue & kepe hare prow
They wolde aske askys a-bowt ham y-strow
When they rype they wyl schow
And by the bollys þu schalt hem know
The sede wt-yn wul schewe blake
Then þu schalt hem vp take
They wul be rype at the full
At lammasse of peter Apostull
On thys maner þu schalt þe sedys drye
Vppon a clothe þu the sedys lye
A-ȝen the sonne his kynd ys
For to ly to dry y-wys
Here of y can no more say
But now y wul bygynne a new lay.