University of Virginia Library

ELEGIA. 4. Amicam, qua arte, quibusue nutibus in cæna presenteviro vti debeat, admonet.

Thy husband to a banquet goes with me,
Pray God it may his latest supper be.
Shall I sit gazing as a bashfull guest,
While others touch the damsel I loue best?
With lying, vnder him his bosome clippe?
About thy neck shall he at pleasure skippe?
Marueile not, though the faire Bride did incite,
The drunken Centaures to a sodaine fight.
I am no halfe horse, nor in woods I dwell,
Yet scarse my hands from thee containe I well.
But how thou should'st behaue thy selfe now know
Nor let the windes away my warnings blow.
Before thy husband come, though I not see,
What may be done, yet there before him be.
Lye with him gently, when his limbes he spread,
Vpon the bed, but on my feete first tread.
View me, my becks, and speaking countenance,
Take, and receiue each secret amorous glaunce.
Words without voyce shall on my eye-browes sit,
Lines thou shalt read in wyne by my hand writ.
When our lasciuious toyes come to thy minde,
Thy Rosie cheekes be to thy thombe inclinde.
If ought of me thou speak'st in inward thought,
Let thy soft finger to thy eare be brought.
When I (my light) do or say ought that please thee,
Turne round thy gold-ring, as it were to ease thee.
Strike on the boord like them that pray for euill,
When thou doest wish thy husband at the deuill.

What wine he fills thee, wisely will him drinke,
Aske thou the boy, what thou enough doest thinke.
When thou hast tasted, I will take the cup,
And where thou drink'st, on that part I will sup.
If he giues thee what first himselfe did tast,
Euen in his face his offered Goblets cast.
Let not thy neck by his vile armes be prest,
Nor leaue thy soft head on his boistrous brest.
Thy bosomes Roseat buds let him not finger,
Chiefely on thy lips let not his lips linger.
If thou giuest kisses, I shall all disclose,
Say they are mine, and hands on thee impose.
Yet this I'le see, but if thy gowne ought couer,
Suspitious feare in all my veines will houer.
Mingle not thighes, nor to his legge ioyne thine,
Nor thy soft foote with his hard foote combine.
I haue beene wanton, therefore am perplext,
And with mistrust of the like measure vext.
I and my wench oft vnder clothes did lurke,
When pleasure mou'd vs to our sweetest worke.
Do not thou so, but throw thy mantle hence,
Least I should thinke thee guilty of offence.
Entreat thy husband drinke, but do not kisse,
And while he drinks, to adde more do not misse,
If he lyes downe with wine and sleepe opprest,
The thing and place shall counsell vs the rest.
When to goe home-wards we rise all along,
Haue care to walke in middle of the throng.
There will I finde thee or be found by thee,
There touch what euer thou canst touch of me.
Aye me I warne what profits some few howers,
But we must part, when heau'n with black night lowers.

At night thy husband clippes, I will weepe
And to the dores sight of thy selfe keepe:
Then will he kisse thee, and not onely kisse,
But force thee giue him my stolne honey blisse.
Constrain'd against thy will giue it the pezants
Forbeare sweet wordes, and be your sport vnpleasant.
To him I pray it no delight may bring,
Or if it do: to thee no ioy thence spring.
But though this night thy fortune be to trie it,
To me to morrow constantly deny it.