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The Life and Death of William Long beard

the most famous and witty English Traitor, borne in the Citty of London. Accompanied with manye other most pleasant and prettie histories, By T. L. [i.e. Thomas Lodge] of Lincolns Inne, Gent

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[Oh faire of fairest Dolphin like]

Oh faire of fairest Dolphin like,
within the riuers of my plaint,
With labouring finnes the waue I strike
whose flouds are honored by my saint.
Withouten hart or gall I spring,
And swim to heare thee sweetly sing,
All like the fish when natures art
Hath rest of hate and tender hart.
And in the sea for loue I burne,
As for Arion did the fish,
At euerie note I skip & turne,
I harke, I praise, I like, I wish.

But out alas with better chaunce
The friendly fish did him aduance,
He bare Arion on his back
Where I thy sweet imbracements lack.