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The Castell of Courtesie

Whereunto is adioyned The Holde of Humilitie: With the Chariot of Chastitie thereunto annexed. Also a Dialogue betweene Age and Youth, and other matters herein conteined. By Iames Yates

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The Booke to the Author.

What doe you meane (I pray)
Such kinde of speech to say?
Doubtfully to display
What shall of me insue:
Theres none will goe about,
To mock or for to floute:
Except it be some loute,
Of trothe I tell you true.
And as for such as those,
The trueth for to disclose,
I cannot fayne ne glose,
I passe them not a pinne:
I am not in their dette,
Wherefore they cannot let,
That which I downe haue set,
Sith nought by them I win.
And though their cunning be
Superior ouer me,
Yet (Sir) for ought I see,
They faile though they be fine:
I would I had the skil
According to my will,
Their curious cup to fill,
I would my selfe incline.
To speake in your defence,
With you they may dispence,
Esteeming your pretence,
Is for to gratulate:
Those to whom you are bound,
For fauor you haue found,
Whose friendship to resound
Hath holpen your estate.
I loue not much to tell,
For why, it were not well
To seeme to chat or mell
Least that I purchase blame:
But I will beake and bende
And none I hope offende,
If iustly they intende,
Their sentence for to frame.